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Cedefop's concise guide takes a look at one of the most famous vocational education and training (VET) systems in Europe!

Austrian VET ranks high, as demonstrated by its differentiated offer and high attractiveness: around 70% of each age cohort opt for a VET path at the end of compulsory education.
School-based VET and apprenticeships (dual track training) coexist. They cover nearly all economic sectors and lead to different qualification levels (either EQF 4 or 5).
Most school-based VET comes under the remit of the education ministry. Governance of apprenticeship is shared by the ministries of economy (company-based track) and education (school-based track), the social partners and the Länder.
There is also a variety of VET programmes at tertiary level and for adults.

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Cite as
Cedefop (2018). Spotlight on VET in Austria. Luxembourg: Publications Office. https://data.europa.eu/doi/10.2801/175157

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Blickpunkt Berufsbildung Österreich

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Spotlight on VET Austria

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