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The articles on long-term international mobility of apprentices in Europe – written by Cedefop’s ReferNet network – are part of the Cedefop ReferNet thematic perspectives series and complement other available general information on VET systems by country.

The articles aim at identifying possible or actual enablers and disablers of long-term cross-country mobility of apprentices at two levels: framework level (external factors to apprenticeships) and apprenticeship system/scheme design level. Where possible, the articles also aim at identifying what works and what does not in existing policies, initiatives and projects regarding international mobility of apprentices (at implementation level).

Increasing apprentices’ participation in cross-country learning mobility has recently become a key policy initiative in apprenticeships. In December 2016, the communication ‘Investing in Europe's youth’ launched ‘ErasmusPro’, a policy initiative aimed at increasing long-term mobility abroad (i.e. from 3 to 12 months), for vocational education and training (VET) learners, including apprentices or recent graduates.

Cross-country mobility in apprenticeships is still a niche phenomenon, especially long-term mobility.

In these articles, Cedefop’s ReferNet network members present a set of factors that (may) have an impact on apprentices’ mobility, and discuss how these act (or may act) as enablers or disablers in this direction. The articles offer valuable insights into the different types of challenges to putting the policy into practice. Cedefop’s study on long-term mobility of apprentices, to be concluded at the end of 2020, will bring more in-depth evidence to support the policy.

Displaying results 1 - 24 out of 28
Displaying results 1 - 24 out of 28