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Vocational education and training (VET) policy briefs are biennial snapshots of VET policy developments in the EU-27 Member States, Norway and Iceland. They are an integral part of Cedefop’s monitoring of the countries’ progress towards achieving EU priorities in VET. The priorities are set in the Council Recommendation on VET and the Osnabrück Declaration and defined in the national implementation plans that most countries developed in 2022. The analysis is based on the information provided by Cedefopʼs European network of expertise on VET (ReferNet) and the work of other Cedefop’s projects.

The policy briefs inform all VET stakeholders at European, national, regional and local levels. Detailed information on the policy developments presented in the policy briefs is available in Timeline of VET policies in Europe, an online tool providing a rich collection of information on national policies and practices in VET and lifelong learning. On this page, one can also find earlier country reports on policy developments since 2015.

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