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It is essential that teachers and trainers have opportunities to develop and maintain their technical, pedagogical and transversal skills to the highest standards. Cedefop supports the implementation of European strategic objectives for high quality professional development accessible to all VET teachers and trainers in Europe.

Teaching professionals and leaders in VET: who are they?

The teaching workforce involved in delivering VET programmes can be divided into different types of occupation. While the titles for professionals working in VET may vary according to the context of VET provision in each country, different categories can be identified in initial vocational education and training (IVET).

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It is more important to define the teaching and training staff in terms of function and tasks rather than trying to come up with a single term for each group. For more information see here

Why does the professional development of VET teachers and trainers matter?

Teachers and trainers in VET are key actors in ensuring its quality and relevance to today’s demands. They work in the context of innovation, globalisation, rapid technological and societal changes that pose challenges to education and training systems across Europe and globally.

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Committed and competent teachers, trainers and other VET professionals are acknowledged as key agents for high quality initial and continuous VET in several Key European policy documents.

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These invite all Member States to ensure that all VET teachers and trainers have access to high-quality initial and continuing professional development and support to embrace new roles, challenges and developments and ensure quality and effective learning experiences for both young and adult learners.

Cedefop's work

Cedefop supports the European Commission, Member States and social partners in implementing European strategic objectives and policy priorities concerning the role and professional development of VET teachers and trainers.

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Cedefop research

Cedefop collects information from 29 countries (27 EU Member States plus Iceland and Norway) to map systematic national approaches to, and opportunities for, initial and continuing professional development of VET teachers and trainers in both school and work-based settings.

See here country reports. 

Download the comparative synthesis report.

Cedefop research activities address the following thematic areas for VET teachers and trainers:

  • qualifications and continuous professional development;
  • well-being and job satisfaction;
  • skills to promote inclusion, design inclusive (school and work-based) learning environments and support learners at risk and early school leavers;
  • digital and green skills;
  • pedagogical skills to apply innovative and learner-centred pedagogies in VET;
  • building stronger bridges between schools and businesses.

Download highlights of latest research findings.

Cedefop tools for VET practitioners

Offering learning providers practical support, Cedefop launched the VET toolkit for tackling early leaving in 2017 and the VET toolkit for empowering NEETs in 2021 and has been constantly updating and enriching their resources since then.  The toolkits are designed to:

  • help young people at risk of becoming early leavers to remain in education and training and to acquire qualifications;
  • help early leavers and NEETs to reintegrate into education or training and the labour market.
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The toolkits aim to help VET practitioners to tackle early leaving at every stage, from identifying learners at risk, to supporting the reintegration of early school leavers and NEETs.

How can I get involved with Cedefop tools for VET practitioners?

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