NQF developments in Europe have been rapid. Latest developments attest to the growing attention qualifications frameworks have been receiving from policy-makers and practitioners. The aim of this event is to stimulate open and critical reflection on the current and future role of NQFs.



Before 2005, qualifications frameworks were in place in three European countries – France, Ireland and the UK. By 2017, NQFs have been introduced by all 39 countries taking part in the implementation of the EQF. Given that these NQFs are becoming increasingly operational, questions regarding their added value and their impact are particularly relevant: 

Do these national qualifications frameworks make a difference in policies and practices and to the learners and citizens they are supposed to benefit?

Cedefop, in cooperation with the European Commission and Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI), is organising a peer learning conference on NQF impact. The main aim of the event is to allow policy-makers, researchers and practitioners to exchange experiences and discuss the impact and challenges of NQF implementation. The following key questions will be addressed:

  • What would be lost if your country did not have an NQF?
    • To whom do NQFs make a difference?
    • How do NQFs make a difference?
    • Under which conditions do NQFs make a difference?
  • What kind of evidence is currently available to provide insights about the impact of NQFs
    • in Europe?
    • internationally?
  • What kind of evidence may be required in the future to measure and evaluate NQF impact?
    • What baseline data or indicators could be useful in explaining NQF impact of and could help continue political support for NQFs?
    • Which methodologies are most appropriate for measuring and evaluating NQF impact?
  • What kind of European cooperation on NQF impact assessment is possible and desirable? Can national approaches contribute to the overall assessment of the EQF?

Participants are expected to play an active role in the event; conclusions from the different working group sessions will feed into a final note to be discussed by the EQF advisory group.

The event is linked to the European vocational skills week 2017 in which Cedefop is a partner..

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  #NQFimpact      #EUVocationalSkills


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Event details

Event Date(s)
09/11/2017 - 10/11/2017
Event Type
Event venue
Invitation only
Cedefop involvement

Ke stažení

Agenda - Peer learning conference


Background paper - Do national qualifications frameworks (NQFs) make a difference? Measuring and evaluating NQF impact


Guidelines for working group session 1 - policy makers perspective


Guidelines for working group session 2 - research perspective


Download all presentations - Peer Learning Conference on the impact of NQFs



Jens Bjørnåvold
Senior expert, project manager
Slava Pevec Grm
Senior expert, project manager
Anastasia Pouliou
Maria Berkat
Zelda Azzara