At the beginning

... of an area struck by a persistent structural unemployment,
... of an economy mainly marked by the research of the profit,
... of a school field impresses social and cultural disparities,
how to analyze the inequalities, how to think solidarity ?

These questions have constituted the central axis of the research carried out with the CERISIS for 10 years. Through contributions of the economy, sociology and psychology, they aim at understanding the way in which the sectors of the social economy, teaching and the social and professional integration, although crossed by the inequalities, try to face there.

This conference has as an ambition to cause a dialogue between researchers and speakers of ground with an aim of combining relevance social and scientific and, of the kind, of contributing to the installation of interdependent transformations within our company.



Au dpart

dune rgion frappe par un chmage structurel persistant,
dune conomie principalement marque par la recherche du profit,
dun champ scolaire empreint de disparits sociales et culturelles,
comment analyser les ingalits, comment penser les solidarits ?

Ces questions constituent laxe central des recherches ralises au CERISIS depuis 10 ans. Au travers des apports de lconomie, de la sociologie et de la psychologie, elles visent comprendre la manire dont les secteurs de lconomie sociale, de lenseignement et de linsertion sociale et professionnelle, bien que traverss par les ingalits, tentent dy faire face.

Ce colloque a pour ambition de susciter un dialogue entre chercheurs et intervenants de terrain dans le but dallier pertinences sociale et scientifique et, de la sorte, contribuer la mise en place de transformations solidaires au sein de notre socit.

Event details

Event Date(s)
Event Type

