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Cedefop Community of apprenticeship experts aims at strengthening and expanding the knowledge on apprenticeships in Europe.
Community experts are professionals with solid expertise in the area of apprenticeships who contribute to the activities of the Community on a voluntary basis, bringing their personal professional expertise and opinion.

Through the Community, experts generate insights on national developments regarding apprenticeships, cover existing information gaps and carry out comparative analyses that are published by Cedefop. Experts also benefit from networking, peer learning activities and generation of new knowledge. See more about the Community activities here.

If you are an expert in apprenticeships and interested to join the Community, our Call for experts remains open for certain countries/regions.

First, see in the list of Community members if your country/region is already covered or not by an expert. One expert will be selected by Cedefop for each country/region listed in Annex 1 of the call (EU, EFTA, UK).
If there is an opening for your country/region, you may submit your application following the steps described in the call. Before submitting, please read the Privacy statement applying to the call.

Community members are selected by Cedefop, on the basis of application submitted through an open call for experts. They join the Community on the basis of their individual expertise and are not nominated by, neither need to represent an institution.

The objectives of the Community are articulated along the following areas:

  1. Consolidating the knowledge base on apprenticeships in Europe and supporting knowledge sharing about apprenticeship systems and schemes.
  2. Generating knowledge: identification of research themes, thematic focuses, comparative analyses on specific topics.
  3. Networking: direct access to national contacts for expertise on apprenticeships, peer learning opportunities.

The common starting point and the tool for the cooperation between experts is Cedefop European database of apprenticeship schemes: this platform is the heart of the community, to which the experts contribute by regular data gathering. By building a common approach, understanding and sharing tools, the experts have the opportunity to engage in knowledge sharing and generation and peer-learning.

The Community is coordinated and supported by Cedefop, in the context of the project on apprenticeships in work-based learning of the Department for VET and Skills.

The Community expresses the opinions of their members, therefore does not represent Cedefop officially.

Network details


Cedefop Community of apprenticeship experts - Call for experts


Privacy statement - 2021 call for experts - Cedefop Community of apprenticeship experts


Network contacts

Who is who
Vlasis Korovilos
Expert in VET for adults and apprenticeships