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Cedefop expert Alena Zukersteinova represented the agency at the European Industry Day event in Brussels on 22-23 February. In the session on the role of skills in future employment, she presented some of the key facts and figures coming from Cedefop research and analysis on skills.

Ms Zukersteinova referred to results from Cedefop's European skills and jobs survey and provided a sneak peek into the new forecast results which will be officially released by Cedefop in spring this year.

She mentioned that ‘according to the Cedefop survey, about 85% of all EU jobs need at least a basic digital skills level. This being coupled with the figure quoted several times during the event – that almost half of Europeans still lack basic digital skills – points to a gap which has to be addressed.’ She also stressed that ‘individuals who will be able to survive and succeed in the digital economy are those who do not only possess good digital skills, but also a healthy mix of cognitive and socioemotional skills.’