This VET policy brief produced by Cedefop presents a snapshot of vocational education and training policy developments in Hungary between 2020 and the beginning of 2023.

It presents the context and the challenges the country faces, a selection of the latest VET-related statistics, as well as the national priorities until 2030 identified in Hungary’s national implementation plan. This VET policy brief provides information from Cedefop monitoring and analysis on the implementation of the Council Recommendation on VET and Osnabrück Declaration. It offers stakeholders with a regular source of information on VET policy developments that could be used for future policy making.

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Cite as

Cedefop. (2024). Vocational education and training policy briefs 2023 – Hungary. Cedefop monitoring and analysis of vocational education and training policies.

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Vocational education and training policy briefs 2023 – Hungary

EN 408.54 KB
hungary vet policy