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The European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET) is intended to make it easier for individuals to transfer and accumulate learning outcomes
  • from one qualification system to another,
  • from one training system to another,
  • from one learning pathway to another,
  • inside a country or between countries.

To know more about ECVET, read the Briefing note - On the move: learning and mobility come closer (available in EN, FR, DE, EL, ES, IT).

ECVET was presented at the Launching Conference on ECVET and EQAVET, jointly organised by the European Commission and Cedefop on 17-18 November 2009 in Brussels.

Four thematic sessions were devoted to ECVET:

Workshop E - Implementing ECVET: Units of Learning Outcomes and ECVET points;

Workshop F: Using ECVET: Accumulation and assessment of Learning Outcomes (formal, non formal and informal contexts);

Workshop G: Applying ECVET: Mobility and transfer of learning outcomes, permeability;

Workshop H: Developing ECVET: Partnerships and involvement of competent institutions.

Further reading:

Cedefop publications on ECVET

European Commission website on ECVET

Event details

Event Date(s)
17/11/2009 - 18/11/2009
Event Type
Cedefop involvement