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About Czechia

Czechia's economy and labour market performed remarkably well in recent years, maintaining strong GDP growth and reaching lowest unemployment rate in the EU. Manufacturing industry remains the backbone of the country’s economy, employing more than quarter of its workforce (more than three following sectors - wholesale & retail trade, construction and health & social care combined). However, employment shall fall in next decade, signalling future problems. 

With already very strong manufacturing, most new job opportunities will come from services, namely arts & recreation or administrative & support services. Fastest growing occupations should be care workers, legal & social associate professionals and office associate professionals. Unsurprisingly, medium-level qualifications will be required for majority of total job openings (included those designated to refill vacated jobs). The share of total job openings requiring low qualifications in Czechia is one of the smallest in the EU.

VET System in Czechia

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