This page groups the target indicators of the post-2020 EU policy cycle that account for VET’s contribution to developing Europe’s human capital and skills and inclusiveness so to contribute in the promotion of a socio-economic ecosystem favourable to resilience, transitions, sustainability and excellence.

Three of the targets set out in the policy cycle are particularly relevant to account for the progress of EU7 and the Member States towards this policy priority: 

  • Adults (16-74 year-olds) with at least basic digital skills (%)
  • Employment rate for recent IVET graduates (20-34 year-olds)
  • Recent IVET graduates (20-34 year-olds) who benefitted from exposure to work-based learning during their vocational education and training (%)

The evidence gathered from the indicators above is complemented by additional target indicators that provide for information on the labour market, socio-economic and education context in which VET operates and can have an impact: 

  • 25-34 year-olds with tertiary attainment (%)
  • Gender employment gap (%)
  • People at risk of poverty or social exclusion (1000s)
  • Employed ICT specialists (1000s)

The visualisations below offer a detailed statistical overview of the state-of-art and the level of progress at European and country level with respect to these progress and context indicators. Data can be consulted for the EU as a whole and by country. More information on the indicators and their sources can be found in the methodology.