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Communication from the Commission to the Council and to the European Parliament: Efficiency and equity in european education and training systems
Brussels, 8.9.2006
COM(2006) 481 final

In a Communication to the Council and to the European Parliament adopted on 8 September 2006, the Commission underlines that across Europe, in the context of public budget constraints, greater emphasis is being placed on improving the economic dimension of education and training, but the social dimension of learning is often ignored with a high cost e.g. in terms of crime, health and other social expenditures.

Based on evidence from economic and social research, the Communication makes clear that education and training policies must, and can, combine the twin objectives of efficiency and equity in seeking to maximise their economic and social potential. There is no necessary trade off between them. The Communication considers each level of the lifelong learning continuum in turn and sets out key messages about what is needed to strengthen efficiency and equity throughout the system