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The aim of this invitation to tender is to commission a study addressing permeability and progression in education and training in the context of lifelong learning policies and strategies at European and national level. The study aims at identifying and analysing the mechanisms, forms and rationales for permeability and progression with a specific focus on credit systems in use in Vocational Education and Training and Higher Education. The study will elaborate a set of conclusions to inform European and national policy and research.

This call has been published in the Supplement to the Official Journal of the European Communities 2009/S 176-253033 of 12.09.2009.

Deadline of submitting tenders: 23.10.2009 (17h00 for hand-delivered tenders).

Requests for clarification concerning this call for tender, if any, will be published under this banner. Please visit Cedefop's website frequently for updates.

If you are downloading these documents from our website, kindly send us an e-mail ( notifying us.


Call details

Procurement type
Call for tenders
Official Publication Date
Closing date


Tender Documents

EN 211.89 KB

Contract Notice

EN 67.68 KB

Draft Contract

EN 120.43 KB

Exclusion Criteria Declaration

EN 68.5 KB

Cedefop's style manual

EN 233.12 KB

Label Information for inner envelope

EN 25.5 KB

Contract Award Notice

EN 106.13 KB