This Annual Policy Strategy paves the way for establishing a policy agenda for 2010 and launches the interinstitutional dialogue on the priorities for next year.

While it is the responsibility of the current Commission to ensure the continuity of the institutions strategic planning and programming system, it must also take account of the fact that a new Commission will be in office in 2010.

 It will be for the next Commission to review the policy priorities in the light of its strategic objectives, and to turn them into an operational programme when it draws up its Work Programme for 2010.

The EU dimension of employment, education and training policies must be used creatively to help Member States develop strategies for building new skills, enhancing job quality, and helping those who have lost their jobs, including through greater use of the European Social Fund and the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund


Reference: Annual Policy Strategy for 2010: Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and teh Committee of the Regions. COM(2009) 73 final, 18.2.2009