The Dutch Knowledge Centre APL is happy to introduce the quality code for APL. National actors, among which APL providers, employers and accreditation bodies, have joined hands to develop a quality code for APL.

Based on existing quality methods and the Common European Principles for the identification and validation of non-formal and informal learning, an APL code has been developed which enables all actors in the Netherlands to bring APL to a higher quality level. We hope to inspire our colleagues at European level.

On 14 November 2006, at the occasion of the 6th national APL conference in Rotterdam, all parties involved signed the convenant which introduces the quality code for APL. T

he convenant is a contributing factor to three objectives linked to the introduction of APL-Accreditation of  Prior Learning:

  • Increasing the accessibility of APL. Clarifying what APL is and how APL should be provided.
  • Providing transparency. Allowing better comparison of different APL procedures.
  • Guaranteeing civil effect. Read more in the Letter and the Convenant

Further information at: ReferNet Netherlands

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