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Transition is the key word that marks the 2019 and 2020 policy framework in which Cedefop operates.

The new Commission has set a high ambition for the EU: to move to a green and digital economy. Reinforced investment in skills and learning throughout life for all is essential to make this transition successful. As all adults will need to upskill and reskill, vocational education and training (VET) will play a pivotal role in the sustainable growth strategy. Cedefop is ready to help develop and realise the future skills and VET agenda as its remit to work on VET, skills and qualifications, set out in its recast Regulation (in force since 2019).  The Regulation ensures Cedefop’s research, analyses and support to countries bridge VET and the labour market.

Publication details

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Cite as

Cedefop (2020). Towards new horizons. Cedefop briefing note, January 2020.


Zu neuen Horizonten

DE 431.29 KB

Zu neuen Horizonten

DE 277.84 KB

Ανοίγοντας νέους ορίζοντες

EL 458.06 KB

Ανοίγοντας νέους ορίζοντες

EL 295.88 KB

Towards new horizons

EN 379.04 KB

Towards new horizons

EN 266.38 KB

Rumbo a nuevos horizontes

ES 440.92 KB

Rumbo a nuevos horizontes

ES 287.67 KB

Vers de nouveaux horizons

FR 442.34 KB

Vers de nouveaux horizons

FR 283.84 KB

Ususret novim horizontima

HR 483.32 KB

Ususret novim horizontima

HR 656.06 KB

Verso nuovi orizzonti

IT 441.52 KB

Verso nuovi orizzonti

IT 279.05 KB

W kierunku nowych horyzontów

PL 484.58 KB

W kierunku nowych horyzontów

PL 279.18 KB

Rumo a novos horizontes

PT 447.99 KB

Rumo a novos horizontes

PT 292.85 KB