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The post-secondary institutes of vocational education and training (PSIVET) were accredited in April 2017 by the Quality Assurance and Certification Agency for Higher Education as public schools of higher vocational education and training. This accreditation of PSIVET programmes at higher education level is considered an important development, contributing greatly to the aim of further strengthening vocational education and training in Cyprus.

Since 2012 the successful operation of PSIVET, a project co-financed by the European Social Fund, has contributed in reducing and restraining unemployment, as well as reducing skills mismatch. Statistical data from the Ministry of Education and Culture indicate that the employability rate of PSIVET graduates in some programmes exceeds 85%, while employment rates of other young graduates with strong academic qualifications still remain at a lower level.

PSIVET, as a public school of higher vocational education and training, offers two-year accredited programmes (NQF level 5B, ISCED level 5), which can also be recognised by universities if graduates wish to pursue university studies in a relevant field. Upgrading PSIVET also provides new opportunities for developing academic cooperation with other higher education institutions, both in Cyprus and abroad, through student exchange, sharing of good practices, and cooperation in research.

Several accredited two-year programmes are offered during the academic year 2017/18: bakery and confectionery; purchasing and supply management – shipping; computer and communication network; electrical and industrial refrigeration installation; organic vegetable crops; dairy science and technology – cheese making; and CNC technology – woodworking industry.

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ReferNet Cyprus, Ministry of Education and Culture