Transfer to output-based curricula will also bring along changes in evaluation.

To introduce and implement the new ideas, various training events have been planned.

- First training aimed at those responsible for curricula at schools: lead teachers for curricula groups, department heads and leaders of the broad group of studies. The training will give a thorough overview regarding the changes forthcoming in the evaluation system and their importance in the context of applying the output-based curriculum.

- Then training for the modular teams, where teams are expected to be composed of people from every curriculum group of every VET institution. That team will support the curriculum group in the future and will be leading the transfer to the new approach to evaluation.

One of the sub-activities of the program "Developing the content of VET 2008-2013" is working out the unified concept for evaluation and training of assessors. In May 2010, an evaluation concept task force was set up whose main responsibility was to work out the principles of evaluation in VET and the implementation of a unified methodology to assess learning outcomes.

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ReferNet Estonia