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Climate change is recognised as one of the main drivers that already shape skill needs for new and current jobs alike. As sustainable development and the ‘greening’ of the economy have risen in the global agenda, the skill-relevant implications for most sectors and existing occupations highlight the importance of policy actions. The transition to a low-carbon economy already creates new occupations for which relevant and suitable vocational education and training options need to be made available.

Skills development measures are instrumental in reaping the benefits of potential job creation in new green economic activities and in addressing the social challenges in shifting to more sustainable models of energy generation, production and consumption across sectors. Massive deployment of skills development and active labour market policy measures will be needed to enable countries to implement the climate change targets, maximize job gains and address negative impacts while transitioning to low-carbon economies.

It is in this context that in 2010 the ILO had joined forces with Cedefop and conducted national studies leading to the Skills for green jobs: a global view report. To grasp progress made since then, the collaboration was repeated by conducting 31 country studies.

Welcoming participants from around the world, the Forum fostered discussions on the results of this comparative research, promoting exchange of practices, and of effective initiatives; identification of challenges and the way ahead. The Global Forum was organised in the context of the celebration of the ILO Centenary, while it took place as part of the ILO Green Week and the 2019 World Environment Day.

The objectives of the Forum were to:

  • recognise occupational needs and skills gaps in the context of the Future of Work, green technological changes and climate action;
  • highlight environmental challenges, effective skills response strategies, and good practices for a just transition for all;
  • discuss potential international collaboration on advancing green human capital to support Decent Work, and strengthen climate action.

Stelina Chatzichristou, Cedefop expert, presented the results of Cedefop’s work during the Forum.

For more information, please visit the ILO's webpage.

Learn more about Cedefop’s work on green skills.

Based on the six country reports, a European synthesis report and a video presenting the results of the reports are available.


Event details

Event Date(s)
Event Type
Event venue
ILO premises
Open event
Cedefop involvement


Stelina Chatzichristou