Now, at the end of 9 and 10 years of study, the scholars obtain a first level qualification. For 2nd and 3rd level of qualification, the scholar must study 1-3 years more. The superior levels are 4 and 5.
Attached, you can find a document that represents the strategy on short and medium term regarding continuous vocational training in Romania, for 2005-2010 (in Romanian language).
The first chapter presents the European and national context and the fact that this document is related with the national strategy for labor force occupation, for 2004-2010 and with the National Action plan for labor force occupation.
The second chapter presents the legal frame, responsibilities, partnerships, the Sectorial Committees, good practice examples, ways of founding, quality insurance. In the third chapter are nominated the strategic objectives and the directions and ways of action for continuous vocational training in 2005-2010 and in the fourth chapter, the indicators for strategy implementation.