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The January 2021 issue of Skillset and match, Cedefop’s magazine promoting learning for work, is now available to read and download.

Last year will be memorable mainly for the wrong reasons, but it also marked a turning point for Europe’s vocational education and training (VET). Find out in our main story how revised EU policy aims to ensure VET can play its pivotal role in the green and digital transitions and the recovery from the coronavirus pandemic.

Also, in this issue:

  • Exclusive report and interviews with the Cedefop and Eurofound executive directors on the findings of the joint European company survey and workplace practices that unlock employee skills and knowledge;
  • Why too many adults see no need for learning and training, as Cedefop’s latest opinion survey finds out;
  • How the coronavirus crisis has impacted the need for upskilling and reskilling to equip all Europeans with skills required to participate in the labour market;
  • Articles on the European vocational skills week and the #CedefopPhotoAward 2020 winners;
  • The latest VET developments in Portugal, the current holder of the rotating EU Presidency.

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Cedefop (2021). Skillset and match: Cedefop's magazine promoting learning at work, No 21, January 2021. Luxembourg: Publications office. https://www.cedefop.europa.eu/files/9151_en.pdf


Skillset and match – January 2021 issue 21

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