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Cedefop is committed to reducing its environmental impact by reducing paper consumption. Our publications are no longer available in hard‑copy format. You can access and download all our published titles online through our website.
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The September 2017 issue of Skillset and match, Cedefop’s magazine promoting learning for work, is now available to read and download.

In this issue:

  • A supplement on vocational training for the long-term unemployed, including an interview with renowned labour market expert John P. Martin who argues that it is time for people to take control of their skills.
  • A feature on how to stop early leavers from education and training.
  • Interviews with MEPs Tomáš Zdechovský and Thodoris Zagorakis, and the European Commission’s Martine Reicherts on 30 years of Erasmus.
  • An article on vocational education and training prospects for a gender-inclusive labour market.

 The Member State contribution this time comes from Estonia.

 And, as usual, you can browse through the latest Cedefop publications and upcoming events.

Publication details

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Cite as
Cedefop (2017). Skillset and match: Cedefop's magazine promoting learning at work, No 11, September 2017. Luxembourg: Publications office. 


Skillset and match – September 2017 issue 11

EN 2.01 MB