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Key competences are important for personal development, employment, integration into society and lifelong learning.

They are transversal and form the basis for all other competences. Acquiring key competences is possible through various learning pathways, including vocational education and training (VET). However, little is known at the European level of how VET supports the key competence development.

This research paper investigates three key competences: digital, multilingual and literacy. It analyses the extent to which they are included in initial upper secondary VET in the EU-27, Iceland, Norway and the UK, as well as national policies supporting their development since 2011. It focuses on four areas of intervention: standards, programme delivery, assessment and teacher/trainer competences.

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Cedefop (2021). Key competences in initial vocational education and training : digital, multilingual and literacy. Luxembourg: Publications Office. Cedefop research paper, No 78. http://data.europa.eu/doi/10.2801/671030


Key competences in initial vocational education and training: digital, multilingual and literacy

EN 5.13 MB

Key competences in initial vocational education and training: digital, multilingual and literacy

EN 4.78 MB