This section proposes a selection of inspiring examples, including:

These examples were selected as part of the Cedefop study ‘Leaving education early: putting vocational education and training (VET) centre stage’. Would you like to know more about the methodology used to select the examples and the countries covered? Go to About >

EU Member States
Education level and sector
Level of implementation / Scope
Stage of implementation
Displaying results 1 - 16 out of 28
  • Good practice

    Co-created Education through Social Inclusion (COSI.ed) is an international project with the main objective of developing a socio-educational model for working effectively with young people at risk of social exclusion, particularly early leavers from education and training or those at risk of leaving education early.

  • Tools
    A catalogue on non-formal education methods

    Educ’Action: Education in Action! 
    A catalogue of 40 non-formal education techniques that can be used by teachers in classes. The catalogue presents the activities, indicating the objectives, the duration and number of participants, the materials to be used, the results to be obtained and the methods of evaluation.

  • Good practice
    Smooth Hybrid and Online Working for VET

    SHOW-VET aims to provide VET for all people smoothly and ecologically regardless of their residency or challenging life situation.

  • Good practice
    Σχολεία για όλους – Συμπερίληψη Παιδιών Προσφύγων στα Ελληνικά Σχολεία

    Schools for All project aims to strengthen the democratic and inclusive culture in schools, targeting schools with reception classes. It offers training and support to the school community (heads, teachers, parents, students) on issues related to democratic citizenship, inclusion and human rights.

  • Publications
    European Commission, Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture, Donlevy, V., Staring, F., Battaglini, M. (2021)

    This compendium presents a comprehensive range of inspiring practices brought together by the ET 2020 Working Group on Common Values and Inclusive Education over the period 2016-2020. The principal objective of the compendium is to provide ideas and inspiration for policymakers and practitioners who strive to improve the inclusiveness of education and training systems across the EU. We also hope that it will contribute to developing the growing body of evidence on the importance and added value of inclusive education.

  • Publications
    Irene Psifidou, Nikolaos Mouratoglou & Alexandra Farazouli

    Guidance and counselling are key features in comprehensive strategies aiming to reduce early leaving from education and training (ELET). It may assist students not only in terms of decision-making, but also of managing their transitions within education and training pathways or from education to employment.

  • Good practice

    Erasmus+ project “Early School Workers” was designed and carried out to provide VET teachers and schools with guidelines and tools to support learners from becoming early school leavers and increase the employability of youngsters while fostering their active role in the society.

  • Publications
    Based on the COFACE Disability S.H.I.F.T. guide for a meaningful inlusion of persons with disabilities and their families. COFACE Families Europe is a pluralistic network of civil society associations representing the interests of all families.

    According to article 24 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD), signed and adopted by the European Union and all its Member States, and of its General Comment No. 4, State parties must ensure the realisation of the right of persons with disabilities to education through an inclusive education system at all levels, including pre-schools, primary, secondary and tertiary education, vocational training and lifelong learning, extracurricular and social activities, and for all students, including persons with disabilities.

  • Publications
    Prevenir el abandono de los estudios en la formación profesional: orientaciones y propuestas

    Educational research is an increasingly important tool for educational governance and evidence-based decision making. This guide is an outcome of the excellent research project Itinerarios de éxito y abandono en la formación profesional del sistema educativo (IEAFP) (Success and dropout itineraries in vocational education and training of the education system) managed by Dr Francesca Salvà Mut and her team.

  • Publications
    Antoni Cerdà-Navarro, Francesca Salvà-Mut, Rubén Comas-Forgas & Mercè Morey-López

    This article looks at the differences and similarities between Spanish-born and immigrant students enrolled in the first year of Intermediate Vocational Education (IVET) programmes in Spain.

  • Publications
    Synthesis report based on preliminary information on seven countries provided by Cedefop’s Network of Ambassadors tackling early leaving from VET

    Cedefop’s ambassadors for tackling early leaving from education and training call for further support to address the needs of learners at risk and ensure their equal access to quality distance learning.

  • Good practice

    Supporting educational and social inclusion of young early leavers and those at risk of early leaving through mechanisms of orientation and tutorial action.

  • Tools

    The DIDO toolkit contains practical tools aimed at preventing dropout in adult education.

  • Good practice

    A reinforcement programme in Barcelona to reduce early leaving from education and training (ELET) by providing assistance to students from tutors and older student mentors.

  • Tools
    Leonardo da Vinci (LLP project) - Transfer of Innovation

    As part of forum theatre, learners explore solutions to their problems by acting out difficulties encountered in daily life.

  • Good practice

    Apprenticeship coaching in Austria aims to avoid drop outs due to misunderstanding or conflict between apprentices and in company trainers. The latter may also receive coaching or counselling as required, in order to ensure the success of the mediation.

Displaying results 1 - 16 out of 28