Policy Plan on Legal Migration : Communication from the Commission. {SEC(2005)1680}
Brussels, 21.12.2005
COM(2005) 669 final This Policy Plan defines a road-map for the remaining period of The Hague Programme (2006-2009) and lists the actions and legislative initiatives that the Commission intends to take, so as to pursue the coherent development of EU legal migration policy. It also responds to the Commission's Lisbon programme adopted in July 2005.

An effective migration policy cannot be limited to instruments for the admission of immigrants. Other equally important legislative and operational measures are necessary, as immigration represents a complex phenomenon that needs to be addressed coherently across all its dimensions. Admission of economic immigrants is as inseparable from measures on integration on the one hand, as it is from the fight against illegal immigration and employment, including trafficking, on the other. It is in this context therefore that the EU must intensify its efforts to reduce the informal economy, a clear pull factor for illegal immigration, as well as a catalyst for exploitation. Given the importance of this issue, a separate Communication on future priorities in the field of illegal immigration will be issued by April 2006.

This paper therefore puts forward initiatives to be developed in all these areas, including on cooperation with countries of origin. In the development of the various initiatives, due attention will be paid to gender issues, with a view to protecting the most vulnerable groups.

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