Cedefop’s Skills online vacancy analysis tool for Europe (Skills-OVATE) has been updated to include data from over 67 million online job ads, collected from July 2018 to December 2019, in 28 European countries.

The tool offers detailed information on jobs and skills employers demand in online job advertisements. Cedefop is continuously working on improving data quality and expanding the system’s functionalities.

In Skills-OVATE you can access information retrieved from millions of online job advertisements from thousands of sources, including private job portals, public employment service portals, recruitment agencies, online newspapers and employer websites.

The top five jobs in the period analysed were:

  • software developers;
  • shop sales assistants;
  • systems analysts;
  • biomedical, optical and materials engineers;
  • advertising and marketing professionals.

The top five sectors in the same period were:

  • professional, scientific and technical activities;
  • manufacturing;
  • administrative and support services;
  • ICT services;
  • wholesale and retail trade.

An expanded version of Skills-OVATE will be released by the end of 2020. It will feature analyses of skills and job demand development over time, new visualisations for specific target groups, and easier browsing and data analysis functions.