Cedefop is organising the first meeting on Skills obsolescence and skill mismatch. The aim of this first expert group meeting is to inform the development and design of an optimal survey instrument for measuring skill obsolescence and skill mismatch in a variety of European Member States.

The Expert Group consists of high-level experts on skills obsolescence and skill mismatch – members of the academic community and representatives from the EU agencies Cedefop and Eurofound and the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

The meeting will rely heavily on informal consultations with the expert group, drawing in particular on their expertise and their particular experience in designing surveys focusing on skills. During the meeting the opportunity will be given to:

  • discuss the key findings of the Cedefop pilot survey on skills obsolescence;
  • identify key theoretical and methodological aspects to be considered for the purposes of a new Cedefop survey on skills obsolescence and skill mismatch;
  • propose alternative methodological and empirical approaches to the optimal measurement of skills obsolescence and skill mismatch given the constraints of a cross-sectional/multi-country survey design;
  • scrutinise relevant questions used in the available literature and as part of Cedefop’s pilot survey of skills obsolescence and propose new survey questions;
  • suggest suitable methods to overcome important theoretical, methodological and/or empirical problems in the measurement and empirical analysis of skill mismatch and skills obsolescence.

Event details

Event Date(s)
Event Type
Invitation only
Cedefop involvement


Skills Analysis Team