This section proposes a selection of inspiring examples, including:

These examples were selected as part of the Cedefop study ‘Leaving education early: putting vocational education and training (VET) centre stage’. Would you like to know more about the methodology used to select the examples and the countries covered? Go to About >

EU Member States
Education level and sector
Level of implementation / Scope
Stage of implementation
Displaying results 1 - 16 out of 133
  • Publications

    'Reoriéntate' explora todas las opciones educativas que tienen las personas jóvenes que no han acabado la ESO o que han abandonado los estudios postobligatorios. Esta guía práctica recoge, ordena y pone a disposición los diferentes recursos, servicios y formaciones disponibles en el marco de las nuevas oportunidades educativas.

  • Publications

    'Reorient yourself' explores all the educational options available for early school leavers. This practical guide collects, organizes and makes available the different resources, services and training projects available within the framework of the new educational opportunities. Alternatives that will allow young people to achieve new skills, improve their professional profile, look for a job or continue their studies.

  • Publications

    La evaluación es una de las asignaturas pendientes en las iniciativas de nuevas oportunidades educativas. Por esta razón, desde la Fundación Ferrer i Guàrdia se ha desarrollado de forma colaborativa una herramienta para la autoevaluación de experiencias de innovación social en este campo que sirva para trabajar en su mejora continua y en incrementar su eficacia e impacto.

  • Publications

    Evaluation is a critical aspect in second chance initiatives. For this reason, the Fundació Ferrer i Guàrdia has collaboratively developed a self-assessment tool for second chance schools that serves to work on its continuous improvement and increase its effectiveness and impact.

  • Publications
    'Learning to be' project

    “Learning to Be: Development of Practices and Methodologies for Assessing Social, Emotional and Health Skills within Education Systems” is an experimental project that brings together education authorities, teaching practitioners and researchers from 7 European countries: Finland, Italy Latvia, Lithuania, Portugal, Slovenia, and Spain.

  • Publications
    Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture (European Commission)

    The Issue Paper on Gender Equality in and through Education has been produced within the framework of the European Commission’s Working Group on Equality and Values in Education and Training (2021-2015). The Working Group (WG) operates within the context of the Commission’s Communication of 30 September 2020 on Achieving the European Education Area by 20251 and the Council Resolution of 26 February 2021 on a strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training towards the European Education Area and beyond (2021-2030).

  • Publications
    Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture (European Commission), PPMI Group

    The inclusion of “Personal, Social and Learning to Learn” (PSLL) as a Key Competence in Lifelong Learning (EU Council, 2018) has underlined social and emotional education (SEE) as a key priority area in education and provided a roadmap on how Member States can integrate and strengthen SEE in their respective curricula. One of the current challenges facing this process is how it can be implemented and assessed.

  • Publications
    European Education and Culture Executive Agency (European Commission)

    Launched in 2022, the European School Education Platform is the meeting point for all school staff (from early childhood education and care to primary and secondary education, including initial vocational education and training), researchers, policymakers and other stakeholders in the school education field. The European School Education Platform is a single platform that integrates the former platforms and services of eTwinning, School Education Gateway and Teacher Academy.

  • Publications
    Adrienne Huismann and Ute Hippach-Schneider

    This article first discusses the concept and understanding of dropping out of vocational  education and training in general. It then presents the situation of early leaving from VET in Germany on the basis of the relevant available data on contract dissolution rates. 

  • Publications
    Synthesis report of Cedefop/ReferNet survey

    This synthesis report, based on a survey carried out during 2022 with Cedefop’s reporting network ReferNet, aims to provide a better understanding of the phenomenon of early leaving from vocational education and training (ELVET). Such understanding is a necessary precondition for designing effective responses to help individuals to equip themselves with the appropriate skills to cope with future transformations and to thrive in life.

  • Publications
    Lázaro Moreno Herrera, Marianne Teräs, Petros Gougoulakis & Janne Kontio (eds.)

    This is the eighth volume in the research book series Emerging Issues in Research on Vocational Education & Training. The series is published by the research group VETYL (Vocational Education and Training/Yrkeskunnande och Lärande), at the Department of Education, Stockholm University, Sweden.

  • Publications
    With support from: EfVET Members, Jussi Kajander, Luís Costa, Paolo Nardi, Valentina Chanina and Wolfgang Stutzmann

    According to the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop) Terminology of European education and training policy (2023), Work-Based Learning (WBL) is an instructional model with well-defined learning objectives.

  • Publications
    Catalogue of inspiring practices on inclusive mobilities

    In order to understand the reason why we decided to collect those mobility experiences among learners with disabilities into a catalogue and how the inspiring practices selected are relevant to the Make It Happen (MIH) project, let us now clarify the aim of this work.

    In this catalogue we have identified 10 inspiring practices in line with the MIH project's aims and in some way relevant to the MIH partners.

  • Publications
    Petr Novotný, Martin Majcík, Katarína Rozvadská, Tereza Vengřinová, Miroslava Dvořáková

    The “Life Pathways of Unsuccessful Graduates” research project was a response to a call within the Innovations in Pedagogy framework that was introduced by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport. The call highlighted the lack of knowledge about students who fail the Matura examination and their subsequent lives.

  • Publications
    European Education Area Strategic Framework - Working Group on Schools, sub-group Pathways to School Success

    The report provides guidance on how to improve and make classroom-based assessment more inclusive and better integrated. It is one of the key outcomes of the European Education Area Working Group on Schools.

  • Publications
    Cedefop Briefing note

    Cedefop, together with its CareersNet partners in EU Member States and beyond, has collected examples of lifelong guidance policies and practices that support the rights and opportunities of people with disabilities. This briefing note showcases some of these initiatives in EU Member States and beyond, and presents policy pointers for further action.

Displaying results 1 - 16 out of 133