The study visits programme, part of the transversal programme of the lifelong learning programme (LLP), allows decision-makers and practitioners to explore education and vocational training issues with their peers from other European countries. The programme provides excellent opportunities for discussion, exchange of innovative ideas and practices, networking and future cooperation in education and vocational training. Communication activities can help to gain a bigger audience for the programme results and so spread the benefits. As part of its support to the quality of the programme, Cedefop , has produced this guide to help those responsible for the study visits programme in the national agencies (NAs) to promote it to potential applicants and disseminate the programme results to its target groups.
The guide is based on ideas, reflections and examples of good practice from NAs and Cedefop and is in line with Cedefopʼs overall communication policy. It briefly outlines how to plan communication activities, describes main target groups of study visits, main messages of study visits to put across and the available channels to reach the target audience, as well as how to assess the impact of the communication activities. The annexes include checklists, templates and other practical tools to support NAs in their communication activities.