The European database on apprenticeship schemes collects and presents structured, comparable information on apprenticeship schemes in EU Member States plus Iceland, Norway, Switzerland, and the UK.
The database collects and organises information on apprenticeship at country level and at scheme level, allowing for comparison by country as well as by scheme. Information can also be retrieved through the map of Europe, or through an advanced search tool.
The database only contains apprenticeship schemes (considered as such in the national official definitions, i.e. what governments define as such by means of norms and minimum legal requirements) that have a stable/valid legal basis, are system-level or mainstream schemes, and lead to formal VET qualifications. Pilot schemes, even when underpinned by a legal basis, are beyond the database scope.
The term apprenticeship scheme refers to a systematic arrangement about how apprenticeship provision should be designed, delivered, assessed, certified, and governed within the overall VET system. More than one scheme may exist in a country.
The 2023/2024 update is based on information provided, quality-checked, updated and complemented by the members of the Cedefop community of apprenticeship experts with the support of Cedefop experts.
Earlier versions of country and scheme fiches are available (2019 or 2016) for those countries not yet updated. You can access those by changing the year of reference.
The Database is part of Cedefop’s overall work on apprenticeships.
Cedefop’s database on financing apprenticeships in the EU provides complementary information on how apprenticeship schemes are financed in the EU Member States and the UK, in terms of overall financing arrangements and particular financing instruments.
Cedefop's VET in Europe database provides additional information on where apprenticeship schemes stand within national VET systems.