Cedefop’s CrowdLearn is the first study to examine how EU workers in the online platform economy develop their skills, and how these platforms match skills supply with demand, with a view to drawing lessons for European skills and education policy. Insights into what skills gig workers learn and need to be successful in the online gig economy can provide lessons for how to make vocational education and training more relevant to trends in the future of work, such as increasing reliance on self-employment, multiple jobs, contingent work, virtual remote work and algorithmic management.
Event details
Agenda Crowdlearn conference
Crowdwork platforms as restrictive-expansive learning sites (A. Margaryan)
Can labour market digitalization increase social mobility? (N. Martindale, V. Lehdonvirta)
Hybrid(solo)self employment and upskilling? (K. Pouliakas, A. Ranieri)
CrowdLearn Skills in online platform work (K. Pouliakas)
Platform-certified: on the role of badges in online labour markets (J. Albert)