EU Member States
Education level and sector
Level of implementation / Scope
Stage of implementation
Displaying results 1 - 4 out of 4
  • Good practice
    Mobile Gaming App for Identification and documentation of Skills and Competences for disadvantaged young NEETs

    Getting NEETs back on track by the "VET-ification" of gaming to encourage them to take part in Vocational Education and Training (VET) or at least get in touch with VET.

  • Good practice
    Rete Integrata per i Giovani del Vicentino

    In Italy, one of the main difficulties of the Youth Guarantee Programme in the course of the first phase was to reach and engage the most discouraged NEETs from social backgrounds characterised by high levels of poverty that affected their ability to enter and remain within training and education courses, to gain work experience and to find out about the possibilities offered by the Programme.

  • Good practice
    Projeto CLICK-Ativar Competências para a Empregabilidade

    CLICK functions as a mediation project between job supply and demand, working as a complementary tool to public employment services. The scope of this project is twofold including the development of soft skills among vulnerable or unemployed people and actions for raising awareness about social responsibility among potential employers. By joining efforts with multiple stakeholders and working closely with the actual beneficiaries, the project aims to make the “click” in their lives.

  • Good practice
    Integrated guidance and support for vocational education pathways for highly disadvantaged youth beyond the status of NEET

    The aim of the practice is to change the status of young people from (beyond) NEETs to SEEDs (Searching for Education Employment and Development)[1].


    [1] İbrahim Çelik, spacelab_umwelt (Offene und Aufsuchende Jugendarbeit)

Displaying results 1 - 4 out of 4