
It is for local managers to decide which modules are relevant to their local/organisational context and it is not expected that everyone will complete all the training from the manuals. In many cases, guidance practitioners are well trained and equipped to use ICT for the specific purposes required in their own role, and so the manager must firstly identify the skills and knowledge that the training should address. For example, in some cases, the use of ICT in the guidance process may be quite new and the trainer may experience some resistance from practitioners for various reasons (e.g. it will make my role obsolete). In this scenario, the trainer would focus on earlier modules designed to increase trust in ICT as a resource for enhancing guidance. 

As there will be variations in the different target groups of the training sessions, there is a need for the trainer to adapt the tools, resources and methodology of their training. The modules included in the guidelines offer a mixed approach of discursive and reflective exercises, as well as practical and written tasks. Where examples are provided the trainer is free to incorporate local examples e.g. of websites, media, software, apps in the training sessions. The trainer may also use different activities / exercises that are relevant to the job roles of the trainees.

Summary of the main items to localise

  • References to software used by the organisation (Ideally computers, the internet and the organisation’s software would be available to the trainees in the training session);
  • Main sources of LMI – local, regional, national, European;
  • Glossaries;
  • Recommended websites for LMI, any other resources in common use;
  • Career Theories (relevant to interaction with clients and expected outcomes)[1];
  • Where to go for more information[2];
  • Add local examples and relevant demonstrations/ real-life exercises;
  • Links to videos in the native language;
  • Adapt the learning outcomes to the national profile of practitioners*;
  • Remove anything in the training manual that is not relevant to the trainees.

A Localisation Checklist is included in Annex 4 of this handbook.


[1] It is not the purpose of the training manuals to teach career theory to practitioners. However, examples of career theories are included to underpin the practitioners understanding of why LMI and LMI Tools can be relied on in guidance.

[2] E.g. A named person for support, relevant websites, further training courses, online training, further reading or self-study