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Cedefop’s new publication provides a statistical overview of vocational education and training and lifelong learning in European countries. Data are based on international statistics enabling comparisons of countries and statistical averages for the European Union. This report, a first result of a continuing process, aims to be a valuable tool, which can be used in various ways and adds user-friendly evidence for many purposes. It should help policy-makers and researchers and ease access to the information available.

Cedefop’s new publication provides a statistical overview of vocational education and training and lifelong learning in European countries. Data are based on international statistics enabling comparisons of countries and statistical averages for the European Union. This report, a first result of a continuing process, aims to be a valuable tool, which can be used in various ways and adds user-friendly evidence for many purposes. It should help policy-makers and researchers and ease access to the information available.

Taking 2010 as the baseline year, to coincide with the launch of the strategy and the revised European VET policy framework, 31 core indicators are published for each country – the 27 European Union Member States and, where data are available, for Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Iceland, Norway, Switzerland and Turkey.

The core indicators do not claim to assess national systems or policies. Statistics can oversimplify complex issues; to be properly understood they must be read in context and there are inevitable time lags. The format is intended to be easy to use and data are supplemented with a commentary highlighting interesting points for each country.

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On the way to 2020: data for vocational education and training policies

EN 2.73 MB

On the way to 2020: data for vocational education and training policies (ebook)

EN 15.17 MB