Cedefop has launched a series of country reports summarising the key findings of the 2018 skills forecast, which presents future trends on jobs and skills across EU Member States. The forecast’s new round covers the period up to 2030.
The country reports are companions to the forecast main report which discusses the main trends at EU level and poses a series of challenges on the future of work coming out from megatrends, such as the falling participation rates, the orientation towards the service sector, the further job polarisation, the increasing over-education and more.
Each country report consists of six sections covered by the skills forecast:
- It starts by presenting the overall employment outlook to 2030, broken down in five-year periods.
- It discusses the labour supply trends and how these will differentiate by gender and age group.
- The broad sectoral employment trends are presented and examples of subsectors are given for illustration purposes.
- Job openings are presented differentiating between job creating and jobs that will open due to the need to replace existing workforce (e.g. due to retirement).
- The reasons driving changes in occupation employment are discussed breaking down the change into overall trends of the economy, shifts of employment between sectors and changes in the occupational structure (i.e. factors making some occupations more important than others).
- Finally, conclusions on future imbalances are drawn when the demand is looked together with the supply.
The skills forecast country reports provide essential information for policy-makers, experts, career guidance practitioners and every individual who wants to better position oneself in the future labour market.