
The guidelines have been developed by the European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network (ELGPN). The main aim is to help improve the quality and efficacy of the career learning experience. It can also be used as a reference guide for national and EU policy-makers to identify dimensions of policy to be taken into account when deciding on lifelong guidance services.


Policy makers, social partners and lifelong guidance providers


Country/ies or organisation that developed the tool

Open to all but focus is on EU Member States and countries eligible for Erasmus+ funding

Date of creation of toolkit and periodicity of updates


Purpose of the toolkit

The aim of the guidelines is to provide advice and reference point for lifelong guidance policies and systems across the education, training, employment and social fields to improve the career learning experience of EU citizens and strengthen the professionalism of career services and tools. The guidelines also aim to demonstrate how coherent guidance policies and systems contribute to achieving education, employment, youth and social policy goals.

Description of each of the tools

A total of 18 guidelines were prepared for policies and system development. These are categorised under four thematic areas:

  1. Transversal Policy Guidelines
  2. Education and Training Policy Guidelines
  3. Employment and Third Age Policy Guidelines
  4. Social Inclusion Policy Guidelines

There is specific guideline available on Lifelong Guidance for VET Students and Participants (guidance number 11) and Lifelong Guidance for Young People at Risk (guidance number 17).

Each guideline has four parts: definition, rationale, elements of good policies and systems, resources for policy makers.

Type of indicators used in the identification of learners at risk of early leaving


Type of guidance given to users

The European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network has produced a range of tools to enable policy-makers and other stakeholders to implement many of the Guidelines. These include:

  • Resource Kit,
  • Glossary,
  • Concept Notes, and
  • EU Policy Briefings.

These are referenced as appropriate in the text of each guideline. The tool is available in 8 languages.

Source of information of the different tools

The framework and content of the guidelines have been derived from a number of sources:

  1. The experience of Member States, associate and observer countries, working together in the ELGPN on lifelong guidance policy and systems issues
  2. The national experiences of education and employment ministry officials
  3. Knowledge gained from policy studies and reviews of career guidance

EU policy instruments such as the Resolutions of the Councils of Ministers (Education, Youth) on Lifelong Guidance


ELGPN Guidelines


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