Online job vacancies (OJV) form an easily accessible source of data on skills demand by employers, thanks to advances in web crawling technologies, machine learning and big data techniques.
Cedefop currently develops an EU-wide system to explore and analyse these data. However, information on the use of the internet and online job market by employers is rather scarce. To draw meaningful conclusions from OJV data Cedefop is mapping the landscape of the online job market across the EU with the support of national experts.
In his blog article published on the Skills Panorama Cedefop's expert Vladimir Kvetan based on the research done within the frames of Cedefop's Big data analysis from online vacancies project makes an attempt to answer questions like: "What drives the spread of the online job market?", "What information can be retrieved from online job vacancies?" and "What next in understanding how employers use the Internet to recruit across countries?".
You can read the full blog article on the Skills Panorama here.