Use the table and the filters below to gain an overview of NQF developments in Europe. It is possible to compare countries based on reporting year, stage of development and whether the NQF has been linked to EQF.

Country Reporting year Scope of the framework Number of levels Level descriptors Legal basis/stage of development NQF linked to EQF NQF/EQF website Qualifications register/database
Albania 2022 Comprehensive NQF including all levels and types of qualification from formal education and training and lifelong learning qualifications for adults and people undertaking specialised courses for professional development. Eight knowledge, skills, competences 2021 Website The National Catalogue of VET qualifications
Belgium-DE 2022

Comprehensive NQF for lifelong learning including all levels and types of qualification from formal education and training.


occupational competence (knowledge and skills), personal competence (social competence and autonomy)

Belgium-FR 2022

The framework includes educational and professional qualifications awarded by the public sector and skills certificates awarded through the validation of non-formal and informal learning.


knowledge / skills, context / autonomy / responsibility


Website Qualifications register
Bosnia & Herzegovina 2022

Designed as a comprehensive NQF for lifelong learning including all levels and types of qualification from formal education and training. Open to those awarded outside formal education and training.


knowledge, skills, competence

Bulgaria 2022 The NQF includes all levels and types of qualification from formal education and training. Eight plus a preparatory level, covering pre-school education knowledge, skills, competences (personal and professional) 2013
Greece 2022

The NQF includes all levels and types of qualification from formal education and training.


knowledge, skills, competence


Website Greek qualifications register
Hungary 2022

The NQF includes state-recognised qualifications acquired in general and higher education, vocational qualifications included in the national register of vocational qualifications and certain state-recognised adult education and training qualifications. Adult training qualifications can also be awarded outside formal education and training.


knowledge, skills, attitudes, autonomy and responsibility


Website HuQF qualifications database
Iceland 2022 The NQF includes all levels and types of qualification from formal education and training, including certified adult learning. No qualification linked to EQF level 1. Seven, with sublevels at NQF levels 5 and 6 integrated level descriptors include knowledge, skills and competence 2013 Website
Italy 2022

The NQF covers formal qualifications from general, technical and vocational education, higher education, adult education, VET qualifications administered at regional level and qualifications of regulated professions.


knowledge, skills, autonomy and responsibility

2013, 2022 update

SkillON website The portal of the education ministry (La scuola in chiaro)The web portal of the Ministry of University and Research UniversItalyNational repository of education, training and vocational qualifications
Kosovo 2022

Comprehensive NQF including all levels and types of qualification from formal education and training and non-formal and informal learning.


knowledge, skills, competences


Liechtenstein 2022

NQF for vocational and professional qualifications (NQF-VPQ) and NQF for higher education.


Level descriptors of the NQF-VPQ:, knowledge, skills, competences (professional and personal)


Website Supplements (with NQF/EQF levels)
Luxembourg 2022

The NQF includes all levels and types of qualification from formal education and training.


knowledge, aptitudes, attitudes


Website Information on secondary education programmesRegister of higher education diplomas
North Macedonia 2022

Comprehensive NQF including all levels and types of qualification from formal education and training, and vocational qualifications.

Eight, with sublevels at levels 5, 6, 7

knowledge and understanding, skills, competence


Slovakia 2022

The NQF includes all levels and types of qualifications from formal education and training, and a sub-framework of occupational qualifications awarded outside the formal education system.


knowledge, skills, competences


Website National qualifications register



The NQF includes qualifications awarded in the formal education system and in the labour market. There are two categories of qualifications: educational and professional, which can be full and partial.


knowledge, skills, communication, responsibility and autonomy

not yet but comparison in 2023

WebsiteWebsiteWebsite Professional qualificationsGeneral education standardsVET standards