NQF country report

[1] The Spanish NQF fiche will be further elaborated when the referencing to the EQF has been completed.

In recent years, Spain has focused on digital education as the pandemic crisis revealed a socioeconomic divide in students' access to digital technology. The national education curriculum includes digital competences, either as a compulsory separate subject in upper secondary education (including VET) or in other compulsory subjects in primary and lower secondary education. The Digitalisation and digital competence development plan (Plan de digitalización y desarrollo de la competencia digital) ([2] https://portal.mineco.gob.es/RecursosNoticia/mineco/prensa/noticias/2021/210127_np_digital.pdf ) together with the 2020 digital education plan ( Educa en Digital ) try to address digital gaps among students, teachers and schools. Although the digital competences of students are improving, they have lower confidence (in data literacy and digital content creation, problem solving and safety) than the EU average in lower and upper secondary education, and use of digital means for teaching is limited ([3] 51% of teachers let students use ICT for project or class work (EU-22 47%), higher than in TALIS 2013 (37%) according to the 2018 TALIS survey (OECD, 2019) ) (European Commission, 2019).

The new education law, in effect since January 2021 ([4] New 2021 Organic Law on Education LOMLOE amending the Organic Law 2/2006. The law can be accessed here. ), not only aims to adapt the education system to digital advances but also improve access to, and the quality of, education, especially because students' educational outcomes have not improved ([5] The law aims to reinforce support for students lagging behind by additional support measures, lower requirements for class progression and to obtain academic degrees, and new gateways between regular education and VET (European Commission, 2020).) and regional differences persist. Another aim is to give schools further flexibility on curriculum content and put greater focus on competence-based learning. The early school leaving rate has fallen progressively in recent years (23.6% in 2013, 20% in 2015, 18.3% in 2017, 17.3% in 2019), but rates still vary between regions and progress has slowed. Overall participation in vocational education and training (VET) ([6] In 2018, the share of upper secondary Spanish students in VET (35.8%) remained below the EU average (48.4%) (European Commission, 2020).) remains low and the employment rate of recent VET graduates (70.0% in 2018 to 66.0% in 2019), continues to be below the EU average of 79.1%. VET graduate tracking is under development, with the creation of an integrated information and monitoring system, coordinated by the State Public Employment Service (SEPE). Measures to increase the attractiveness of VET and continue VET online have been taken as a response to the Covid-19 crisis. From January 2020, the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training has been responsible for all VET regulation, including initial and continuous VET ([7] At this stage, the Ministry of Labour will keep a few VET initiatives to address short and specific workplace training needs (Cedefop and ReferNet, 2021)). One persisting challenge in the country is the large disparity between regions, both in terms of skills and of participation in education and training. Grade repetition rates are still high (29% in Spain; EU average 13%) (MEFP, 2019) and are not improving. While the rate of tertiary education attainment is one of the highest among EU countries (44.7%), and above the EU average of 40.3%, graduates are very often interested in fields which are not in demand in the labour market. The employment rate of recent graduates (ISCED 3-8, total) at 73.0% in 2019, has improved but is still lower than the EU average of 80.9%. Qualifications mismatch in Spain remains high and there are significant skills imbalances (European Commission, 2020).

Spain has been developing the Spanish qualifications framework for lifelong learning (Marco Español de Cualificaciones, MECU) ([8] MECU: Spanish national qualifications framework for lifelong learning. http://www.educacionyfp.gob.es/mc/mecu/mecu.html ). A royal decree setting the legal basis for implementation is pending and is expected to be adopted in 2021. A qualifications framework for higher education (Marco Español de Cualificaciones para la Educación Superior, MECES) has been put in place separately and self-certified against the QF-EHEA in 2014 ([9] Established under royal decree: Ministry of Education (2011). Real Decreto 1027/2011, de 15 julio, por el que se establece el Marco Español de Cualificaciones para la Educación Superior [Royal Decree 2027/2011 of 15 July 2011, for the establishment of the Spanish qualifications framework for higher education]. Boletín oficial del estado, No 185. ) as part of Spain's continuing commitment to the Bologna process (Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, 2014) ([10] http://www.aneca.es/Sala-de-prensa/Noticias/2014/Informe-sobre-la-Autocertificacion-del-Marco-Espanol-para-las-Cualificaciones-de-la-Educacion-Superior-MECES ).

The MECU is envisaged primarily as a communication and information instrument. One of its main objectives is to make Spanish qualifications easier to understand by describing them in terms of learning outcomes, clarifying relationships between them, and indicating the qualification level on certificates and diplomas. It aims to promote and improve access to, and participation in, lifelong learning, to promote the recognition of qualifications and to facilitate comparability within Spain and Europe. The framework is expected to raise trust in Spanish qualifications and make mobility of learners and workers easier.

Another important aim is to support transition and progression possibilities within the various subsystems of education and vocational training; examples include progression from short-cycle to university programmes and opening up higher education for non-traditional learners, who might have no school leaving certificate. The MECU aims to include, all nationally recognised diplomas and certificates from formal education and training while remaining open for inclusion of official qualifications issued by other administrative sectors.

The purpose of the Spanish qualifications framework for higher education (MECES) is to allow the classification, comparability and transparency of higher education qualifications within the Spanish education system. The levels within MECES are labelled 1 to 4 and correspond to cycles of the FQ-EHEA ([11] See Overarching QF-EHEA (revised in 2018) http://www.ehea.info/Upload/document/ministerial_declarations/EHEAParis2018_Communique_AppendixIII_952778.pdf ) técnico superior (advanced VET), grado (bachelor), master (master) and doctor (doctorate). Of these, the first is a non-university higher education level included to support and promote lifelong learning. Some advanced vocational education and training (VET) is considered higher education (HE) but is undertaken outside the university system; such advanced VET studies may be recognised not only for admission to university but also as ECTS credits where subjects/learning outcomes are properly aligned.

The draft comprehensive framework is based on learning outcomes and has eight levels, with descriptors defined in terms of knowledge, skills and competence ([12] Based on draft MECU level descriptors [unpublished].). They have been inspired by EQF level descriptors but adopted to suit the national context. This is particularly the case for skills, where the ability to communicate in different languages and analytical skills are emphasised. Competence is defined as autonomy and responsibility, including learning skills and attitudes. The four highest levels are compatible with the Spanish qualifications framework for higher education, based on the level descriptors of cycles for QF-EHEA.

Once the legal basis is in place, the framework is expected to include qualifications awarded at all levels in the formal education system and will also integrate qualifications obtained through validation of non-formal and informal learning. The Spanish Council of Ministers approved a new education organic law in 2020, which became effective in 2021 ([13] New 2021 Organic Law on Education LOMLOE amending the Organic Law 2/2006. It became effective on January 19, 2021. Its coming into force has repealed Organic Law 8/2013 of December 9, for the improvement of education quality (LOMCE). An implementation process has begun that will conclude in the 2023/2024 academic year. The law can be accessed here.), repealing the 2013 Organic Law for the improvement of quality of education (LOMCE) ([14] Government of Spain (2013). Ley Orgánica 8/2013, de 9 de diciembre, para la mejora de la calidad educativa [Organic Law 8/2013 of 9 December 2013, for the improvement on the quality of education]. Boletín oficial del estado, No 295. http://www.boe.es/boe/dias/2013/12/10/pdfs/BOE-A-2013-12886.pdf ). The law (as can be seen below) aims to improve the quality of teaching and learning, promote equity and excellence and increase school autonomy and the coherence of the national system in line with international standards.

The level of implementation of learning outcomes varies across subsystems. The Ministry of Education and VET (previously Education, Culture and Sports) has established in legislation national core curricula for the various levels of education: pre-primary, primary, lower secondary, upper secondary and vocational training. These are determined by central government, though regional administrations, and the schools take responsibility for developing part of the curriculum ([15] The central government is responsible for designing 65% of the curriculum (55% in those autonomous communities which have their own language); the remaining part of the curriculum at regional level differs between autonomous communities.). The core curricula determine the general objectives for each stage of education as well as specific objectives for each area or subject. They also establish the content and evaluation criteria for each area and the basic skills for each stage of compulsory education. The National Institute for Educational Evaluation is the body of the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training responsible for evaluation of the Spanish education system, in collaboration with the education authorities.

The most developed and elaborated implementation of learning outcomes is in VET. The VET qualification system is defined by the law on qualifications and vocational training ([16] Government of Spain (2002). Ley orgánica 5/2002, de 19 de junio, de las Cualificaciones y de la Formación Profesional [Organic Law 5/2002 on qualifications and vocational training]. Boletín oficial del estado, No 147. https://www.boe.es/boe/dias/2002/06/20/pdfs/A22437-22442.pdf ) that establishes the National catalogue of professional qualifications (Catálogo Nacional de Cualificaciones Profesionales, CNCP) ([17] http://incual.mecd.es/bdc and http://incual.mecd.es/documents/35348/80300/CNCP_listadoQ.pdf/ (last updated in January 2021).). It lists 680 occupational standards ([18] Occupational standards inform development of IVET programmes that lead to vocational diplomas as well as CVET programmes leading to professional certificates (certificados de profesionalidad). Each professional certificate includes a compulsory on-the-job training module (módulo de formación práctica en centros de trabajo) whose learning outcomes must be assessed in the workplace (Cedefop and Fundae, 2019).) defined in competences and is continually updated ([19] All the vocational programmes refer to the National catalogue of vocational qualifications. More information is available here.). Professional modules for each qualification gather the learning outcomes and the corresponding assessment criteria that show that the qualification holder knows, understands and is able to do as expected on completion of the programme ([20] Learning outcomes are closely related to work activities and required professional competences.). At the end of 2019 the Council of Ministers approved the First strategic plan for vocational training of the educational system 2019-22 ([21] I Plan Estratégico de Formación Profesional del Sistema Educativo 2019-2022 [Strategic plan for vocational training of the education system 2019-2022].) aiming at having an updated national qualification catalogue (with companies taking a major role in the design of occupational standards) and a widespread training offer ([22] This plan will facilitate individualised training itineraries with the implementation of a modular offer of personalised vocational training that will allow students to enrol in one or more modules, depending on their educational and employment needs, without having to take all the modules that make up a degree or a specialisation course (Cedefop and ReferNet, 2021).). The National Institute of Qualifications (INCUAL), which is responsible for defining, updating and adapting the national catalogue, focused in 2019 on designing the new occupational standards ([23] In 2020, 136 occupational standards were updated: 20 of these are new occupational standards, 45 have been updated, and 71 partially modified. In January 2021, 38 updates of occupational standards were published (Cedefop and ReferNet, 2021).) and redefining learning outcomes. The 2020 organic law on education is another important boost to vocational training as it aims to improve social recognition, make vocational training more flexible, and move towards an integrated system of initial and continuous VET, accessible and with a lifelong learning perspective ([24] Access and admission conditions become more flexible, establishing links with the rest of the education system. More information can be found here. ). The law sets the framework for reform of the curriculum towards a more competence-based approach. In addition, according to the law, students who pass a basic VET programme ([25] The structure of VET is the following: basic VET programmes (ISCED 353), intermediate VET programmes, leading to professional training technician qualification and higher VET programmes (ISCED 554) leading to an advanced technician qualification (Cedefop, forthcoming).) will receive the ESO (compulsory secondary education) graduate degree, which will allow them access to upper secondary education. Therefore, basic VET programmes integrate general and vocational subjects. For those over the age of 17 – who left the education system without a qualification – vocational programmes are organised to allow them to obtain a general education certificate or technician qualification. Integrated vocational training and dual vocational training centres are also promoted with the new law ([26] Compulsory secondary education (students aged 12-16) is organised into two cycles: the first is composed of the first, second and third years. The second cycle, consisting of a single year, the fourth, is of a preparatory nature for either general or vocational education.).

The new educational law of 2021 has also introduced changes in the 2001 Organic Law on universities ([27] More information (in English) here.), on university admission exams ([28] The admission procedure to universities is re-established under conditions of equality, regardless of where the previous studies were carried out or the specific need for educational support or disability. https://eacea.ec.europa.eu/national-policies/eurydice/content/national-reforms-higher-education-70_en ) and access to higher VET programmes ([29] The degree of Professional training technician will allow access to both the higher VET programmes and the higher arts and design programmes. The equivalence between advanced degrees is reinforced and those students who pass the corresponding studies will be able to obtain the title of Bachelor degree in advanced artistic education. https://eacea.ec.europa.eu/national-policies/eurydice/content/national-reforms-higher-education-70_en ). Higher education study programmes must include expected outcomes and achievement of learning objectives set for the student. All study programmes have to be accredited according to national guidelines. MECES refers directly to learning outcomes (resultados de aprendizaje and competencias). Linked to MECES levels, learning outcomes are a specific requirement in, for example, the ex-post external evaluation of study programmes required for the formal Acredita/Renovación de la acreditación of all official degrees. Consideration of the use of learning outcomes is also a specific requirement in the external evaluation of a higher education institution or unit's internal quality assurance systems during audit procedures.

External quality assurance in higher education is undertaken by the national agency (ANECA) and a number of agencies within some of the autonomous regions. The competences of the quality assurance agencies vary depending on the procedures being undertaken and whether or not the agency is a member of the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) and the European Quality Assurance Register (EQAR) ([30] In addition to ANECA, six of the regional agencies (AQU in Catalonia, ACPUA in Aragon, ACSUG in Galicia, ACSUCYL in Castilla y León, AAC-DEVA in Andalusia, and UNIBASQ for the Basque Country) are members of EQAR: https://www.eqar.eu/register/agencies/ ).

The Ministry of Education and VET, Directorate General for Vocational Training, (through the General Secretariat for Vocational Training) has overall responsibility for developing and implementing the Spanish framework for lifelong learning (MECU). A wide range of stakeholders were involved and consulted in the development phase: other ministries (Labour, Migrations and Social Security, Industry, Trade and Tourism, Health, Consumption and Social Welfare, Economy and Business), social partners (unions, Spanish Confederation of Employers' Organisations, Spanish Confederation of Small and Medium Enterprises), institutional coordination bodies (such as Sectoral Conference of Education, General Conference for University Policy), consultative bodies (such as State School Council, Vocational Training Council, Arts Education Council, University Council), agencies for evaluation, professional associations and regional councils for education. From January 2020, the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training has been responsible for the whole VET regulation, including initial and continuous VET ([31] Overall competence/responsibility (of the Ministry of Labour and Social Economy) related to training within the national qualifications system – particularly vocational training for the unemployed and vocational training for the employed, including national and regional calls for subsidies, when these correspond to training linked to professional certificates and dual VET- were transferred to the Ministry of Education and VET (Cedefop and ReferNet, 2021).).

Spain is seeking to create a simple and practical system that is robust, but also flexible enough to respond to the requirements of regional autonomy. However, overall responsibility for the development and implementation of the MECU, in accordance with the Spanish constitution, lies with central government. In 2020, the Sectoral Education Conference of the National System of Qualifications and Vocational Training for Employment was set up, together with the regional authorities from the autonomous communities ([32] More information can be found here. ). This is the new body for cooperation between the General State Administration and the autonomous communities to coordinate policies on vocational training for employment (Cedefop and ReferNet, 2021).

Cooperation with the Bologna process is ensured, with members represented in both the committee for MECU and in the group for MECES ([33] MECES was established by the Ministry of Education under royal decree in 2011.) to achieve methodological and structural coherence, making possible the alignment of the two frameworks ([34] MECES was formulated by a formal committee established under Royal Decree 900/2007: Government of Spain (2007). Real Decreto 900/2007, de 6 de julio, por el que se crea el Comité para la definición del Marco Español de Cualificaciones para la Educación Superior [Royal Decree 900/2007 of 6 July 2007, on the establishment of the Committee for the definition or the Spanish qualifications framework in higher education]: Boletín Oficial del Estado, No 172. https://www.boe.es/boe/dias/2007/07/19/pdfs/A31371-31372.pdf ).

[35] This section draws mainly on input from Vale, P. (2019). European inventory on validation of non-formal and informal learning 2018 update: Spain. http://libserver.cedefop.europa.eu/vetelib/2019/european_inventory_validation_2018_ Spain.pdf

In recent years, the Spanish Government and regional governments have consolidated national procedures for the validation of non-formal and informal learning; different laws and regulations frame validation, targeting different education sectors. The new organic law on Education, in effect since 2021, and the Organic Law of Universities incorporate actions to validate non-formal and informal learning, such as access exams to VET and university studies aimed at those who do not have the required qualifications. Royal Decree 1224/2009 ([36] Government of Spain (2009). Real Decreto 1224/2009, de 17 de julio, de reconocimiento de las competencias profesionales adquiridas por experiencia laboral [Royal Decree 1224/2009 of 17 July 2009 on the recognition of professional competences acquired through working experience]. Boletín oficial del estado, No 205. https://www.boe.es/buscar/pdf/2009/BOE-A-2009-13781-consolidado.pdf ) which is currently being revised ([37] The law is revised to allow for the creation of an open procedure, so that any citizen with work experience or non-formal training can apply for validation of their skills without having to wait for the competent administrations to publish the call for applications for the units of competence they wish to validate. In this context, the Ministry of education and vocational training is processing the modification of specific aspects of the law regulating validation procedures and allowing the creation of an open and flexible procedure (Cedefop and ReferNet, 2021).) established the procedure for the validation and recognition of professional competences acquired by work experience and non-formal training; this is common to gaining qualifications previously from the employment administration (certificados de profesionalidad) and now from the education administration through specific calls for validation ([38] The procedure only validates professional competences acquired through work experience or non-formal learning pertaining to specific units of competences registered in the National catalogue of professional qualifications. Validation procedures lead either to full or partial qualifications, and/or give access to education and training programmes.).

Validation has been emphasised in different recent strategies, covered by the Spanish strategy for employment activation 2017-20 ([39] Royal Decree 1032/2017, of December 15, approving the Spanish strategy for employment activation 2017-20) and the 2018 VET national strategy ([40] The 2018 national VET strategy is focused mainly on a change in methodology to guarantee the early detection of job trends and their quick implementation in the National Qualifications Catalogue, VET Diplomas and Professional Certificates (Vale, P., 2019).). The latter focuses on the revision of the procedure for the recognition of professional competences and its simplification by making it more accessible through permanent open calls. The Reconoce project ([41] Throughout this project, the network organised an online system for accreditation of volunteering, starting with more than 1 000 youth volunteers. Related information can be found here.), approved in 2017 by the Spanish Youth Institute (INJUVE) and the youth departments of the autonomous communities, created a new recognition system for non-formal education, covering the youth sector in the country. In addition, the validation of skills acquired through non-formal, informal, or work experience is one of the 11 strategic lines included in the 2020 plan for the modernisation of vocational training ([42] Its aim is the generalisation of the procedure set in 2009, with a special concern for people expelled from the labour market during the Covid-19 crisis. Training courses of a modular, short duration, and certifiable nature, will be added in the National catalogue of professional qualifications, making them as accessible as possible in any situation. The Plan for the modernisation of vocational training [Plan de Modernización de la FP] can be accessed here.) (Cedefop and ReferNet, 2021). One of the actions of this plan was the approval of a 2021 royal decree ([43] Government of Spain (2021) Real Decreto 143/2021, de 9 de marzo, por el que se modifica el Real Decreto 1224/2009, de 17 de julio, de reconocimiento de las competencias profesionales adquiridas por experiencia laboral. [Royal Decree 143/2021, of March 9, which modifies the Royal Decree 1224/2009, of July 17, of recognition of the competences professionals acquired through work experience] Boletín oficial del estado, No 59. https://www.boe.es/boe/dias/2021/03/10/pdfs/BOE-A-2021-3700.pdf ) that establishes a cumulative accreditation system so that the beneficiary can complete the training that leads to obtaining the corresponding professional training title or professional certificate (certificados de profesionalidad) ([44] This procedure is related to the total number of the professional competence units included in the professional training offer linked to the National catalogue of professional qualifications.). In February 2020, the one-off report for validation of non-formal and informal learning of Spain was also presented to the EQF advisory group (Ministry of Education and VET, 2020)

Progress has been achieved in higher education; universities have developed procedures to validate and recognise working experience to access study programmes (for people over 40 years of age) or gain credits toward a degree. Awareness of validation has increased in all sectors of society in Spain and stakeholders have become more sensitive to validation as a way of recognising learning outcomes acquired in non-formal and informal contexts, and through work experience. Once the Spanish national qualifications framework for lifelong learning (MECU) is in place, the competences acquired through non-formal and informal learning can be used to acquire a qualification or gain access to programmes and qualifications which will be linked to the framework.

Technical work on the design of the framework was completed in 2018. The royal decree setting the legal basis for implementation is pending and it is expected to be adopted in 2021. Once the legal basis is in place, qualifications from formal education and training, and previously from the employment administration (certificados de profesionalidad), will be given priority. A MECU committee will be established, including stakeholders such as ministries, representatives of professional associations, trade union and business representatives, and qualifications framework experts from different sectors. The committee will have the mandate to decide on assignment of framework levels to the Spanish qualifications and to submit proposals to the government for approval (Cedefop, 2020).

Qualifications in higher education are being designed taking into account compatibility between the two frameworks and linking the highest four MECU qualification levels to MECES, as it is a more advanced framework.

The national qualifications will be assigned to MECU levels based on three criteria:

  1. comparability of qualification type descriptors defined in learning outcomes and the MECU level descriptors;
  2. implementation of the common quality assurance criteria for qualification in line with annex IV of the 2017 EQF recommendation ([45] Available here.);
  3. public consultation with bodies involved in the design, award and use of qualifications in a relevant field.

Qualifications from formal education and training, and previously from the employment administration (certificados de profesionalidad), will be assigned first. The self-certification followed the procedures and criteria set down for such work within the Bologna process and involved a committee of senior Spanish and international experts and stakeholders.

The qualifications framework for higher education (Marco Español de Cualificaciones de Educación Superior (MECES)) has been self-certified against the FQ-EHEA (Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport (2014). MECU is planned to be referenced to the EQF in 2021.

Development of the Spanish national qualifications framework for lifelong learning (MECU), including all levels and types of qualifications, aims to strengthen the links between different parts of qualification system and between education and employment, but there are various challenges at different levels. Links between the two frameworks, MECES and MECU, need to be established. Dialogue and interaction with different stakeholders from education and employment has to continue; involving administrations that provide and award qualifications in different sectors will be part of the MECU implementation process. Government is taking initiatives to support cooperation between universities, businesses and research centres. The new institutional structure with the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training (MEFP) undertaking in 2020 all responsibilities also related to vocational training for employment (through the new General Secretariat for Vocational Training) aims to promote vocational training and to create a system that brings together initial and continuous vocational training.

The First strategic plan for vocational training in the education system for 2019-22 was an important development towards lifelong learning; it aimed to improve VET standards and make VET more attractive to young people by introducing flexible learning paths in secondary education and developing new programmes to meet the demands of the future of work (Cedefop, forthcoming). The new 2020 Education law also aims to improve the vocational training system in the country. However, putting the framework into the lifelong learning perspective, and including non-formal and informal aspects of learning in the framework, is regarded as complex. Including qualifications resulting from non-formal or informal learning uses recognition and validation processes more broadly implemented only in recent years.

NQF development in Spain also shows the importance of political processes, governance structures and cycle on the implementation of European tools, such as the EQF. Adoption of the royal decree on MECU will be an important step paving the way towards implementation.

NQF levelQualification typesEQF level
Draft MECU levels 8 | MECES levels 4

Doctoral degree (Doctorado)

Spanish qualifications framework for higher education (MECES) and draft Spanish qualifications framework for lifelong learning (MECU) levels
No EQF level
Draft MECU levels 7 | MECES levels 3

Master degree (Master)

Spanish qualifications framework for higher education (MECES) and draft Spanish qualifications framework for lifelong learning (MECU) levels
No EQF level
Draft MECU levels 6 | MECES levels 2

Bachelor degree (Grado)

Spanish qualifications framework for higher education (MECES) and draft Spanish qualifications framework for lifelong learning (MECU) levels
No EQF level
Draft MECU levels 5 | MECES levels 1

Advanced technician (Técnico superior)

Spanish qualifications framework for higher education (MECES) and draft Spanish qualifications framework for lifelong learning (MECU) levels
No EQF level
Draft MECU levels 4

(not available)

No EQF level
Draft MECU levels 3

(not available)

No EQF level
Draft MECU levels 2

(not available)

No EQF level
Draft MECU levels 1

(not available)

No EQF level

[URLs accessed 1.4.2021]

●The General Secretariat for Vocational Education and Training (Ministry of Education and VET) is the designated EQF NCP: http://www.educacionyfp.gob.es/ministerio.html

●The National Catalogue of Occupational/Professional Standards (Catálogo Nacional de Cualificaciones Profesionales - CNCP): https://incual.educacion.gob.es/bdc

●Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport (2014). Verification of compatibility of MECES (the Spanish qualifications framework for higher education) with the framework for qualifications of the European higher education area (FQ-EHEA). http://www.aneca.es/Sala-de-prensa/Noticias/2014/Informe-sobre-la-Autocertificacion-del-Marco-Espanol-para-las-Cualificaciones-de-la-Educacion-Superior-MECES

[URLs accessed 1.4.2021]

Cedefop and Fundae (2019). Vocational education and training in Europe: Spain [From Cedefop; ReferNet. Vocational education and training in Europe database]. https://www.cedefop.europa.eu/en/tools/vet-in-europe/systems/spain

Cedefop (2020). National qualifications framework developments in Europe 2019. Qualifications frameworks: transparency and added value for end users. Luxembourg: Publications Office. https://www.cedefop.europa.eu/en/publications-and-resources/publications/4190

Cedefop; ReferNet (2021). VET REF: developments in vocational education and training policy database [unpublished].

Cedefop (forthcoming). Spotlight on VET – 2020 compilation: vocational education and training systems in Europe. Luxembourg: Publications Office.

European Commission (2019). 2nd survey of schools: ICT in education. Spain country report. Luxembourg: Publications Office. DOI: 10.2759/916605 https://ec.europa.eu/newsroom/dae/document.cfm?doc_id=57821

European Commission (2020). Education and training monitor 2020: Spain. Luxembourg: Publications Office. DOI: 10.2766/33212. https://op.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/c9527d62-2497-11eb-9d7e-01aa75ed71a1/language-en/format-PDF/source-171316235

Government of Spain (2002). Ley orgánica 5/2002, de 19 de junio, de las Cualificaciones y de la Formación Profesional [Organic Law 5/2002 on qualifications and vocational training, 19 June 2002]. Boletín oficial del estado, No 147. https://www.boe.es/boe/dias/2002/06/20/pdfs/A22437-22442.pdf

Government of Spain (2006). Ley Orgánica 2/2006, de 3 de mayo, de Educación [Organic Law on education, 2/2006, 3 May 2006]. Boletín Oficial del Estado, No 106. http://www.boe.es/boe/dias/2006/05/04/pdfs/A17158-17207.pdf

Government of Spain (2007). Real Decreto 900/2007, de 6 de julio, por el que se crea el Comité para la definición del Marco Español de Cualificaciones para la Educación Superior [Royal Decree 900/2007 of 6 July, on the establishment of the Committee for the definition or the Spanish qualifications framework in higher education]. Boletín oficial del estado, No 172. https://www.boe.es/boe/dias/2007/07/19/pdfs/A31371-31372.pdf

Government of Spain (2009). Real Decreto 1224/2009, de 17 de julio, de reconocimiento de las competencias profesionales adquiridas por experiencia laboral [Royal Decree 1224/2009 of 17 July, on the recognition of professional competences acquired through working experience]. Boletín oficial del estado, No 205. https://www.boe.es/buscar/pdf/2009/BOE-A-2009-13781-consolidado.pdf

Government of Spain (2013). Ley Orgánica 8/2013, de 9 de diciembre, para la mejora de la calidad educativa [Organic Law 8/2013 of 9 December, for the improvement on the quality of education]. Boletín oficial del estado, No 295. http://www.boe.es/boe/dias/2013/12/10/pdfs/BOE-A-2013-12886.pdf

Government of Spain (2020). Ley Orgánica 3/2020, de 29 de diciembre, por la que se modifica la Ley Orgánica 2/2006, de 3 de mayo, de Educación. [Organic Law 3/2020 of 29 December, amending Organic Law 2/2206, of May 3, on education]. Boletín oficial del estado, No 340. https://www.boe.es/diario_boe/txt.php?id=BOE-A-2020-17264

Government of Spain (2021). Real Decreto 143/2021, de 9 de marzo, por el que se modifica el Real Decreto 1224/2009, de 17 de julio, de reconocimiento de las competencias profesionales adquiridas por experiencia laboral [Royal Decree 143/2021, of March 9, which modifies the Royal Decree 1224/2009, of July 17, on recognition of the competences professionals acquired through work experience]. Boletín oficial del estado, No 59. https://www.boe.es/boe/dias/2021/03/10/pdfs/BOE-A-2021-3700.pdf

MEFP (2019). PISA 2018. Informe Español. Volumen 1. Madrid: MEFP. https://www.educacionyfp.gob.es/inee/evaluaciones-internacionales/pisa/pisa-2018/pisa-2018-informes-es.html

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Stage of development:
NQF linked to EQF:
Scope of the framework:

Designed as a comprehensive NQF for lifelong learning; will include all levels and types of qualification from formal education and training.

Number of levels:

Eight proposed

Compare with other country