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Eleven years after the first meeting on the creation of a credit transfer system for vocational education and training (ECVET), how committed are countries to applying VET credit transfer to their wider qualifications systems? Using information provided by social partners, national and regional authorities and credit transfer system experts, this fourth annual report on ECVET looks into how far 38 countries/regions have come in testing, using, and committing to applying ECVET in qualifications; and examines which countries have put this development on hold, and why.

Eleven years after the first meeting on the creation of a credit transfer system for vocational education and training (ECVET), how committed are countries to applying VET credit transfer to their wider qualifications systems?

Using information provided by social partners, national and regional authorities and credit transfer system experts, this fourth annual report on ECVET looks into how far 38 countries/regions have come in testing, using, and committing to applying ECVET in qualifications; and examines which countries have put this development on hold, and why.

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Monitoring ECVET implementation strategies in Europe in 2013

EN 1.66 MB

Monitoring ECVET implementation strategies in Europe in 2013 (ebook)

EN 1.86 MB