
Focus area
The main policy of the instrument is to increase the productivity and adaptability of people currently working within the Maltese Labour Market. The goal of this policy instrument is to reach people who are active in the Maltese labour market and find it difficult to pursue courses to enhance their skills, as a part-time option. Through Investing in Skills, these people are able to train and better their knowledge in their place of work, at a minimal or free cost for the employer. The instrument will help both companies and workers alike. Companies will benefit through increased productivity of their workers, while these in turn would be more adaptable to the skills required in the Maltese labour market.
Implementation level
At what level is the initiative implemented?
Starting period
TIMESPAN: In what year did the initiative commence?
This policy instrument was implemented in 2014, was first implemented in practice in 2017 and will be made available until June 2023.
PERSPECTIVE: is the initiative based on evidence derived from skill forecasts or foresight activities?
Private companies are offered financial incentives to use trainers and create training courses based on their line of work, and teach their employees new skills, which will help them achieve more adaptability and increased productivity.
Policy area
To which POLICY AREAS(s) does the initiative apply?
How it is funded?
Funded by the EU
Part-financed by the European Social Fund

Skill mismatch

Skill mismatch target
What type(s) of skills MISMATCH does the initiative aim to addresses?
Underqualification (individuals' qualifications/credentials are below their job's needs)
Skill underutilisation (individuals' skills are not well used in their jobs)
Skill shortages (employers cannot fill their vacancies due to a lack of skills in the labour market)
Skill gaps (worker's skills are below the level of proficiency required by their employers and jobs)
Skills obsolescence (some or all of an individual's skills are no longer relevant to the current employer or in the labour market generally)
Skills matching focus
How does  the initiative address skills mismatches?
The initiative encourages employers to take stock of their human resources and see how they can improve their skill bank.
By investing in their workforce, employers will ensure that employees are equipped with the right skills to remain resilient no matter what career path they ultiamtely pursue.
Skills delivered
What types of skill  does the initiative deliver?
More advanced digital skills
General employability skills (team working, communication, etc.)
Green skills
Career management skills


What methods of undertaking skills assessments and / or skills anticipation does the policy instrument utilise?
Employer surveys
Implemented through the instrument's application and follow-up processes.
Real-time labour market information (e.g. big data analysis of job advertisements, CVs)
Jobsplus is Malta's Public Employment Service, formerly known as the Employment and Training Corporation. It is therefore the primary source of real-time labour market information and utilises this in implementing the Investing in Skills scheme.
Use of skills intelligence
How is labour market information / skills intelligence used within the initiative?
Mainly in determining the need for funding to incentivise the provision of employee training.
Mainly in incentivising business leaders to invest in training for their employees.


Main responsible body
Main body or organisation with overall responsibility for the initiative.
National PES
Jobsplus is the agency responsible for implementing the Investing in Skills instrument.
Other involved organisations
Which other organisations have a role in the initiative?
National ministry
Ministry for Finance and Employment - Involved in this scheme through the strategic direction it provides to Jobsplus.
Who are the intended beneficiaries?
The intended beneficiaries of the instrument are the companies that employ the people they are willing to train, and therefore responsible for the implementation of the Scheme within the same company. Ultimately, the beneficiaries are also the workers themselves, who will be rewarded with enhanced skills and added knowledge.


Success factors
SUCCESS FACTORS in the implementation
The constant engagement between the relevant stakeholders, especially when it comes to the private companies, have so far made the instrument successful.
BARRIERS in the implementation
No barriers and challenges have currently been faced, however the instrument is still in implementation phase.
Monitoring and evaluation
MONITORING and EVALUATION: Is progress measured regularly? What are the indicators used to measure progress of the policy instrument? Have any evaluations been conducted?
Monitoring the correct implementation of the instrument is mostly carried out by Jobsplus, which looks at companies that apply under the scheme and the number of workers being trained as signs of progress. Progress under this instrument is measured yearly, when funds are also disbursed to the beneficiaries.
UPDATES: whether there have been any major updates of the initiative since it has been implemented?
Revisions have been made to: (i) subsidy rates to reflect changes in the cost of living, and (ii) definition of training to include online/e-learning, particularly over the last year.
EVIDENCE ON EFFECTIVENESS: How effective is the policy instrument?
By June 2020, it was estimated that more than a thousand people a year undertook further study as part of their employment, by means of the Investing in Skills initiative. Having over two years of implementation to go, it is estimated that this scheme will be one of the most successful training initiatives of its time.
SUSTAINABILITY: How sustainable is the policy instrument? Do you expect the instrument to continue over the next few years and why?
Investing in Skills will remain available until June 2023. Its ultimate success may determine whether Jobsplus re-applies for a similar project that builds upon the outcomes of the current scheme in place.

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