List of policy instruments

  • Description

    Focus area
    INCUAL is the technical body of the CGFP (General Council of Vocational Training), the organisation that advises the government on VET issues. The role of INCUAL is to identify the current and future skills that are needed in concrete professions, in order to adapt the contents of VET diplomas. For this, INCUAL has a deparment responsible for the identification of skill needs of occupations (Observatory of Professions), and departments for the design of qualifications and the articulation of the National System of Professional Qualifications.
    Implementation level
    At what level is the initiative implemented?
    Starting period
    TIMESPAN: In what year did the initiative commence?
    The Royal Decree 375/1999, of 5th March 1999, created INCUAL and states that an Observatory of Professions must be created within INCUAL.
    PERSPECTIVE: is the initiative based on evidence derived from skill forecasts or foresight activities?
    The definition of professional standards for each occupation and their follow-up and update is made through two working groups in INCUAL: one working group focuses on occupations, while the other working group focuses on diplomas that, in turn, shapes education provision. Both groups include sectoral experts and representatives of the public administration, trade unions and employers’ associations, suggested by the General Council for Vocational Training (CGFP). The working group of diplomas also includes experts in education, which should define the changes needed in TVET provision to respond to labour market demands identified through the Observation of Occupations of the state PES.
    Recently the Order PCI/18/2020 created an Alert Network (red de alerta) and Sectoral Observatories within the Observatory of Professions of INCUAL. Alert Network pays attention to changes in occupations in sectors that play a strategic role in social, economic, productive and environmental terms.
    The Plan for VET 2019-2022 states that INCUAL should be strenghtened (Axis 2) and play a more active role, obtaining information beyond the structures and instruments defined in this fiche, inviting to more institutions to participate (including companies) and paying more attention to industry 4.0, sustainability and greening.
    As march 2021 there are in Spain 175 VET diplomas plus 583 professional certificates.
    Policy area
    To which POLICY AREAS(s) does the initiative apply?
    INCUAL promotes the development of digital economy by the adaptation of existing VET diplomas to digital skills and the design of new diplomas.
    How it is funded?
    Funded by national government

    Skill mismatch

    Skill mismatch target
    What type(s) of skills MISMATCH does the initiative aim to addresses?
    Underqualification (individuals' qualifications/credentials are below their job's needs)
    INCUAL aims to improve the quality of VET, thus motivating the participation of underqualified individuals in education.
    Skill underutilisation (individuals' skills are not well used in their jobs)
    INCUAL aims that VET diplomas train in skills that are demanded and thus used in jobs.
    Skill shortages (employers cannot fill their vacancies due to a lack of skills in the labour market)
    INCUAL aims that VET diplomas train in skills that are demanded and thus used in jobs.
    Skill gaps (worker's skills are below the level of proficiency required by their employers and jobs)
    INCUAL aims that VET diplomas train in skills that are demanded and thus used in jobs.
    Skills obsolescence (some or all of an individual's skills are no longer relevant to the current employer or in the labour market generally)
    INCUAL aims that VET diplomas train in current and future skills demanded by the labour market.
    Skills matching focus
    How does  the initiative address skills mismatches?
    INCUAL aims that VET diplomas train in skills that are demanded and thus used in jobs, tthereby helping that future young graduates have skills that match labour market needs.
    INCUAL is responsible for defining, updating and adapting the Spanish National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications, which is considered to shape the validation of skills obtained from working experience (Reconocimiento de la experiencia laboral)
    INCUAL is responsible for defining, updating and adapting the Spanish National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications, which is considered to shape professional certificates for unemployed workers (certificados de profesionalidad)
    The better adaptation of VET diplomas and professional certificates facilitates career transitions by training workers and students in skills demanded by the labour market.
    Companies benefit as they can employ better qualified workers.
    The better adaptation of VET diplomas and professional certificates facilitates career transitions by training workers and students in skills demanded by the labour market.


    What methods of undertaking skills assessments and / or skills anticipation does the policy instrument utilise?
    Skills forecasting
    The Observatory of Professions carries out skill forecasting.
    Employer surveys
    Employers representatives participate in the sectorial observatories (of Observatory of Professions) and companies can directy participate in the network of alert (of Observatory of Professions)
    Skills foresight
    The Observatory of Professions carries out skill foresight.
    Note: The definition of professional standards for each occupation and their follow-up and update is made through two working groups in INCUAL: one working group focuses on occupations, while the other working group focuses on diplomas that, in turn, shapes education provision. Both groups include sectoral experts and representatives of the public administration, trades unions and employers’ associations, suggested by CGFP. The working group of diplomas also includes experts in education, which should define the changes needed in TVET provision to respond to labour market demands identified through the observation of occupations.
    Use of skills intelligence
    How is labour market information / skills intelligence used within the initiative?
    INCUAL is responsible for defining, updating and adapting the Spanish National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications (Catálogo Nacional de Cualificaciones Profesionales, CNCP) to the labour market. Qualifications are grouped into 26 professional families and five levels according to the professional skills required for each economic activity.
    INCUAL outputs serve to better design professional certificates (certificados de profesionalidad) for unemployed workers.
    INCUAL outputs serve to better design the process of validation of skills acquired through work experience (Reconocimiento por la experiencia laboral)
    INCUAL is responsible for defining, updating and adapting the Spanish National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications, which serves to define the provision of VET diplomas and professional certificates.


    Main responsible body
    Main body or organisation with overall responsibility for the initiative.
    National ministry
    INCUAL is embedded in the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports.
    National agency
    INCUAL is the technical body of the CGFP (General Council of Vocational Training), the agency that advises the government on VET issues, which belongs to the Ministry of Work and Social Economy.
    Other involved organisations
    Which other organisations have a role in the initiative?
    National agency
    Fundae, the State Foundation for Training for employment (Fundación estatal para la formación para el empleo), which is responsible for the management of life-long learning for employed workers, participates in the management body of the Observatory of Professions of INCUAL.
    Regional agency
    Regional deparments for professional qualifications and regional observatories provide information to INCUAL
    Social partner: employer organisation
    Social partners participate in the management body of the Observatory of Professions of INCUAL and in the process of identification of skill needs.
    Social partner: trade union
    Social partners participate in the management body of the Observatory of Professions of INCUAL and in the process of identification of skill needs.
    National PES
    National PES, through the Observatory of Occupations, participate in the management body of the Observatory of Professions of INCUAL and in the process of identification of skill needs. National PES (department of professional certificates) is also present in the management body.


    Success factors
    SUCCESS FACTORS in the implementation
    The participation of a broad set of agents that provide qualitative information. In addition to the regular and formal process of identification of skill needs, INCUAL is open to constant participation of any agent interested in suggesting changes for the VET provision. Companies usually validate the process of update of diplomas and the approval of new diplomas, considering whether the changes carried out are adequate.
    BARRIERS in the implementation
    Barriers include: the need to update training for teachers; companies lack the means to provide apprenticeships for students in line with the updated contents of diplomas; the identification of information related to emerging sectors; a network of companies and experts needs to be updated to provide information about new sectors.
    Monitoring and evaluation
    MONITORING and EVALUATION: Is progress measured regularly? What are the indicators used to measure progress of the policy instrument? Have any evaluations been conducted?
    The main indicators to follow up the progress of this instrument is the approval of new VET diplomas and the update of already existing diplomas. This is not measured regularly, although the qualifications included in the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications must be updated every five years, in terms of contents, denominations, schedules, etc.
    UPDATES: whether there have been any major updates of the initiative since it has been implemented?
    The main update has been the Order PCI/18/2020 that created an alert network (red de alerta) and sectoral observatories within the Observatory of Professions of INCUAL. Alert Network pays attention to changes in occupations in sectors that play a strategic role in social, economic, productive and environmental terms. Alert networks are formed by companies, business associations and public bodies.
    As march 2021 there are in Spain 175 VET diplomas plus 583 professional certificates.
    The Plan for VET 2019-2022 states that INCUAL should be strenghtened (Axis 2) and play a more active role, obtaining information beyond the structures and instruments defined in this fiche, inviting to more institutions to participate (including companies) and paying more attention to industry 4.0, sustainability and greening.
    EVIDENCE ON EFFECTIVENESS: How effective is the policy instrument?
    No evidence of the effectiveness and impact of the instrument as a whole is available. However, there are reports that partially assess the system, such as reports about the number of students that graduate or labour insertion of some diplomas. Benefits are as expected, although those responsible for this process would like to speed up the process of updating VET provision. Often schools and the update of diplomas are a factor that promotes innovation among some companies that are not that innovative, such as some SMEs.
    SUSTAINABILITY: How sustainable is the policy instrument? Do you expect the instrument to continue over the next few years and why?
    The instrument is permanent. It is expected to continue permanently, as it is needed for the update of the VET provision in Spain.
  • Description

    Focus area
    CRNs consist of a network of centres across Spain. Each centre is specialized in one field of expertise. Their functions are wide, including skills identification and anticipation, improvement of the training design and provide training. CRNs provide direct training to students in their field and indirect training, through training to teachers of other VET centres and through the innovation and update of education plans and methodologies.
    Implementation level
    At what level is the initiative implemented?
    Starting period
    TIMESPAN: In what year did the initiative commence?
    PERSPECTIVE: is the initiative based on evidence derived from skill forecasts or foresight activities?
    The Centres’ functions observe the changing qualification needs of the production system. CRNs base on their own knowledge and hold a network with companies, trade unions, joint sectoral committees, VET centres, universities, technological and research centres and other institutions contacted through international projects.
    Policy area
    To which POLICY AREAS(s) does the initiative apply?
    Example: CRN in e-commerce and digital marketing (Centro de Referencia Nacional en Comercio Electrónico y Marketing Digital). Other CRNs take into account the digitalization of work.
    Research and innovation in VET, in collaboration with universities, tecnological centres and companies, among other entities.
    How it is funded?
    Funded by national government
    Funded by regional government

    Skill mismatch

    Skill mismatch target
    What type(s) of skills MISMATCH does the initiative aim to addresses?
    Underqualification (individuals' qualifications/credentials are below their job's needs)
    Skill shortages (employers cannot fill their vacancies due to a lack of skills in the labour market)
    Skill gaps (worker's skills are below the level of proficiency required by their employers and jobs)
    Skills obsolescence (some or all of an individual's skills are no longer relevant to the current employer or in the labour market generally)
    Skills matching focus
    How does  the initiative address skills mismatches?
    CRNs identify skills demanded by the labour market and provide them to young students, directly or indirecty (by training of teachers and updating of VET contents and methodologies, including the update of National Catalogue of VET).
    CRNs can include training actions for employed workers.
    CRNs can include training actions for unemployed workers.
    The better quality of training facilitates career transitions. Moreover, CRNs can deliver training for employed and unemployed workers, helping them in their career transitions.
    CRNs identify skills demanded by the labour market and provide them to young students, directly or indirecty (by training of teachers and updating of VET contents and methodologies).
    CRNs can include training actions for employed, unemployed workers, businessmen /women, and teachers.
    Skills delivered
    What types of skill  does the initiative deliver?
    More advanced digital skills
    General employability skills (team working, communication, etc.)
    Green skills


    What methods of undertaking skills assessments and / or skills anticipation does the policy instrument utilise?
    Employer surveys
    CRNs hold regular contact with companies.
    Expert panels
    CRNs cooperate with universities and research centres
    Use of skills intelligence
    How is labour market information / skills intelligence used within the initiative?
    CRNs work with INCUAL for the definition of the catalogue of VET diplomas and in the design of professional certificates.
    CRNs contribute to the design of professional certificates.
    CRNs work with INCUAL for the definition of the catalogue of VET diplomas and in the design of professional certificates.
    CRNs work with INCUAL for the definition of the catalogue of VET diplomas.
    CRNs work in the definition of the Catalogue of Training Specialities, which should be taken into account by career guidance and counsellors of PES.


    Main responsible body
    Main body or organisation with overall responsibility for the initiative.
    National ministry
    State Public Employment Service (SEPE) and Ministry for Education and VET
    Regional ministry
    Most CRNs are managed by the regional administration (regional employment or education authorities) of the region where they are located, but some of them are also managed directly by central authorities
    National agency
    State Public Employment Service (SEPE) and Ministry for Education and VET. One example is one CRN managed by EOI (School of Industrial Organization), a national agency.
    Other involved organisations
    Which other organisations have a role in the initiative?
    National agency
    CNRs collaborate with INCUAL and the Observatory of Occupations of National PES in the identification of skill gaps, through the update of the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications (Catálogo Nacional de Cualificaciones Profesionales) and the Catalogue of Training Specialities (Catálogo de Especialidades Formativas).
    Regional agency
    CRNs collaborate with regional agencies especialized in their fields of expertise in the territories where they are located.
    Social partner: employer organisation
    Social partners participate in the management (consejo social) of CRN; CRNs collaborate with Sectoral Joint Committees.
    Social partner: trade union
    Social partners participate in the management (consejo social) of CRN; CRNs collaborate with Sectoral Joint Committees.
    National PES
    CRNs collaborate with the Observatory of Occupations, a department within state PES
    Training Providers
    CRNs provide training for trainers
    Research centres, universities
    CRNs collaborate regularly with research centres and universities to idenfity and forecast skill gaps
    Technological institutes and entities focused on innovation in education.


    Success factors
    SUCCESS FACTORS in the implementation
    The role and the design of CRNs is very coherent and relevant to the challenges faced when adaptating training to changing skills' demands. CRNs focus on their area of expertise. Moreover CRNs are adequately embedded in the institutional ecosystem, collaborating with institutions of the employment and educative administration, VET, universities, research centres and social partners.
    BARRIERS in the implementation
    CRNs are not widely known.
    Monitoring and evaluation
    MONITORING and EVALUATION: Is progress measured regularly? What are the indicators used to measure progress of the policy instrument? Have any evaluations been conducted?
    A list of the current CRNs is available at:…
    No evaluations have been found.
    UPDATES: whether there have been any major updates of the initiative since it has been implemented?
    The last regulatory update was from 2008. In this regard there have not been any major updates. However, the main update has been the progressive growth of the number of CRNs. This is very relevant as each CRN is specialized in one area of expertise (eg. Renewable energies or marketing). Therefore the potential of CRN system depends on the existence of a wide network of centres that cover existing labour market demands. The network of CRNs continues to grow. There are at present 36 CRNs, 20 of which have recently prepared Action Plans 2019-2022, in agreement with the national (state PES and Ministry for Education and VET) and regional employment/education authorities. It is expected for 2021 the opening of a CRN in Aeronautic industry in Castilla-La Mancha (…).
    EVIDENCE ON EFFECTIVENESS: How effective is the policy instrument?
    The role and the design of CRNs is very coherent and relevant to the challenges faced when adaptating training to changing skills demands. Moreover CRNs are adequately embedded in the institutional ecosystem, collaborating with institutions of the employment and educative administration, VET, universities, research centres and social partners. However evidence on their effectiveness, such as evaluations, is limited.
    SUSTAINABILITY: How sustainable is the policy instrument? Do you expect the instrument to continue over the next few years and why?
    CRNs are a stable institution grounded in the Spanish VET system that are set to continue in the future. Beyond the VET system, CRNs participate in the system for skills anticipation, working in the definition of the Catalogue of Training Specialities that is managed by the Observatory of Occupations of the National PES. Moreover, CRNs provide a specialized insight on the changes and prospects of concrete occupations, something that is increasingly needed given the speed of changes in the world of work.
  • Description

    Focus area
    The state Public Employment Service (SEPE) holds a department called the Observatory of Occupations. The Observatory of Occupations identifies the skills that are demanded for a set of occupations of growing demand in the labour market. In addition, the Observatory carries out in-depth research in this field for concrete sectors of economic activity. The outputs of the Observatory are presented in reports published by SEPE, which serve to guide the ALMP provision, especially the training supply. The Observatory collaborates with other institutions of the skills governance system in Spain, such as INCUAL and Sectoral Joint Committees.
    Implementation level
    At what level is the initiative implemented?
    Starting period
    TIMESPAN: In what year did the initiative commence?
    The identification of training needs of occupations is summarized into an annual report on forecasting and identification of skill needs (Informe annual de prospección y detección de necesidades formativas). This report has been published since 2015. However, the Observatory of Occupations was created in 1988, with the name of Permanent Observatory of the Occupations Evolution (Observatorio Permanente del Comportamiento de las Ocupaciones)
    PERSPECTIVE: is the initiative based on evidence derived from skill forecasts or foresight activities?
    Approximately 200 occupations that are growing at a quick pace are selected every year, using quantitative data on contracts. Other occupations are selected as well following sectoral research reports carried out by the Observatory. The skill gaps of these approximately 200 selected occupations are analysed by regional groups of the Observatory, who contact experts from the observatory provincial network. In each province there is a network of around 70 experts. These experts include: employers, HR managers, trade unions' and business associations' representatives, high skilled workers, excellence centres of VET training and universities. At least three experts are interviewed to define the skills gaps of each occupation.
    Policy area
    To which POLICY AREAS(s) does the initiative apply?
    The instrument consists mainly of qualitative research, in order to identify the skills that are demanded for concrete occupations in the labour market.
    How it is funded?
    Funded by national government
    The Observatory is funded directly by the state PES (SEPE) through the Ministry of Work and Social Economy.

    Skill mismatch

    Skill mismatch target
    What type(s) of skills MISMATCH does the initiative aim to addresses?
    Underqualification (individuals' qualifications/credentials are below their job's needs)
    Skill underutilisation (individuals' skills are not well used in their jobs)
    Skill shortages (employers cannot fill their vacancies due to a lack of skills in the labour market)
    Skill gaps (worker's skills are below the level of proficiency required by their employers and jobs)
    Skills obsolescence (some or all of an individual's skills are no longer relevant to the current employer or in the labour market generally)
    Skills matching focus
    How does  the initiative address skills mismatches?
    Note: The outputs of the process of identification of skill needs serve to guide the ALMP provision, especially the training supply. This serves to address skills mismatches. In addition the skill gaps identified should also be taken into account by other institutions of the skills governance system in Spain, such as INCUAL (VET system) and Sectoral Joint Committees (training for employed workers system).
    Graduate VET courses are better designed as the Observatory outputs are used by in the VET system.
    Young graduates who might experience problems to transition to employment might benefit from better tailored training after graduation.
    Adults already in employment participate in training provided by FUNDAE, which makes use of the skills identified by the Observatory.
    The Observatory outputs are used to define the training for unemployed provided by regional PES.
    Training for employed and unemployed workers facilitates career transitions, especially of those who need an adaptation of their skills to changing labour market demands.
    The training provided to respond to skill gaps identified by the Observatory serves to address sectoral and ocupational skill shortages.
    Skills identified by the Observatory serve to better design training for unemployed, employed and future workers (VET students).


    What methods of undertaking skills assessments and / or skills anticipation does the policy instrument utilise?
    Skills forecasting
    The Observatory selects yearly around 200 occupations to be researched in depth. This selection focuses on occupations that are growing at a quick pace, based on quantitative data on contracts registered with the Social Security and the Labour Force Survey.
    Employer surveys
    Employers and HR managers participate in the network of experts of the Observatory.
    Skills foresight
    Around two sectoral reports are yearly carried out with the aim of researching in depth the evolution and trends of concrete economic sectors, its related occupations and its skills gaps.
    Expert panels
    The skills gaps of the selected occupations are researched by regional experts: employers, HR managers, trade unions' and business associations' representatives, high skilled workers, excellence VET centres and universities.
    Vacancy surveys
    The Annual Report on the forecasting and identification of training needs includes a description of the situation with regard to vacancies.
    Real-time labour market information (e.g. big data analysis of job advertisements, CVs)
    The Observatory collects also information on job offers published at the Internet for these occupations to contrast the information obtained from expert panels.
    Use of skills intelligence
    How is labour market information / skills intelligence used within the initiative?
    Outputs of the Observatory are used to define the Catalogue of Training Specialities (Catálogo de Especialidades Formativas), which defines the training provision for employment, and the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications (Catálogo Nacional de Cualificaciones Profesionales), defined and managed by INCUAL.
    The content and design of training provided by regional PES to unemployed must take into account the Annual report published by the Observatory, the multi-annual scenario, as well as and the catalogue of training specialities.
    The Catalogue of Training Specialities (Catálogo de Especialidades Formativas) is used to define profesional certificates and for validation of professional competences.
    Training provided by regional PES take into account the Annual report published by the Observatory, the multi-annual scenario, as well as and the catalogue of training specialities.
    The identification and forecasting of skill needs are also used to better define guidance services provided by regional PES counsellors.
    The identification and forecasting of skill needs are also used to better define guidance services provided by regional PES counsellors.


    Main responsible body
    Main body or organisation with overall responsibility for the initiative.
    National ministry
    The Observatory is embedded in the state PES (SEPE), which is part of the Ministry of Work and Social Economy.
    National PES
    The Observatory is embedded in the state PES (SEPE), which is part of the Ministry of Work and Social Economy.
    Other involved organisations
    Which other organisations have a role in the initiative?
    Regional ministry
    Regional ministries are responsible of the management of regional PES, which take into account the recommendations of the Observatory for their training response.
    National agency
    INCUAL, responsible for identification of skills within VET system, collaborates wtih the Observatory.
    Social partner: employer organisation
    Employer organizations are part of the network of the Observatory and thus participate in the identification and forecasting of skill demands.
    Social partner: trade union
    Trade unions are part of the network of the Observatory and thus participate in the identification and forecasting of skill demands.
    Regional PES
    Regional PES take into account the recommendations and the skills gaps identified by the Observatory to design the training for unemployed workers.
    Training Providers
    Training providers for unemployed workers adapt their offer to the decisions of regional PES, which are aligned with the Observatory recommendations.
    Research centres, universities
    Research centres and universities collaborate as part of the network of the Observatory and in the ellaboration of sectoral reports.
    National Reference Centres of VET (CRN) collaborate with the Observatory to identify skill gaps.


    Success factors
    SUCCESS FACTORS in the implementation
    The participation of a broad set of interviewed agents who provide qualitative information; the relevance of the experts that provide qualitative information; the use of a homogeneous methodology, which enables comparisons across time and between regions; the information obtained is checked with job offers published on the internet; and the connection of the Observatory with other authorities within the Government, who can make a good use of the findings of the Observatory.
    BARRIERS in the implementation
    The dissemination of results and the information found by the Observatory. Although the law states that this information must be taken into account by employment and VET institutions, it is not clear to what extent it is considered in the training design and delivered to employment counsellors, teachers or unemployed. The information is not used in guidance at schools nor in universities, limiting its potential to guide students' decisions in education.
    Monitoring and evaluation
    MONITORING and EVALUATION: Is progress measured regularly? What are the indicators used to measure progress of the policy instrument? Have any evaluations been conducted?
    The main indicator is the number of occupations studied every year. This is around 200 occupations per year. Reports are published on a regular basis. However the information on the extent to which this information is used by training system is limited, including training for unemployed provided by regional PES.
    UPDATES: whether there have been any major updates of the initiative since it has been implemented?
    The Catalogue of Training Specialities (Catálogo de Especialidades Formativas) has been better defined and improved by Order TMS/283/2019, of 12th of March, that regulates the Cataloge of training Specialities in the framework of the VET system for employment. Cooperation with INCUAL (VET system) has been strenghtened by Order PCI/18/2020.
    EVIDENCE ON EFFECTIVENESS: How effective is the policy instrument?
    No evidence of the effectiveness and impact of the instrument is available, as no effectiveness study has been carried out. There is no information about the extent to which the findings made by the Observatory is applied by employment counsellors or to which degree they are taken into account in the design of the contents of training courses. Similarly, there is no feedback to know with certainty to what extent the information found has an impact on employment indicators.
    SUSTAINABILITY: How sustainable is the policy instrument? Do you expect the instrument to continue over the next few years and why?
    The instrument is permanent and has a central role in the system of identification of skills needs in Spain.
  • Description

    Focus area
    Sectoral Joint Committees are the institutional representation of social partners in issues related to training. They are set up through collective agreements or specific agreements. There are 90 Committees, each focuses on one sector.
    Sectoral Committees are responsible for assessing the skills content of qualifications and the adequacy of training provision in relation to businesses’ needs in their respective sector also related to forecasting skills demands and training needs. The outputs of their skills needs identification process are sectoral reference plans (planes de referencia sectoriales), which are used to define training offered to employed workers through FUNDAE. These sectoral reference plans are also taken into account in the Catalogue of Training Specialities (Catálogo de Especialidades Formativas), managed by the Observatory of Occupations of the National PES.
    Implementation level
    At what level is the initiative implemented?
    Starting period
    TIMESPAN: In what year did the initiative commence?
    Sectoral Joint Committees are a traditional institution of social dialogue. However their current role has been first defined by Law 30/2015, that regulates the System of Traning for Employment in the working environment.
    PERSPECTIVE: is the initiative based on evidence derived from skill forecasts or foresight activities?
    Sectoral Joint
    Committees are responsible for assessing the skills content of qualifications and the adequacy of training provision in relation to businesses’ needs. Information is obtained from trade unions and employers organizations that participate in the committees.
    Sectoral Joint Committees are also responsible for producing sectoral analyses of changes in their sectors and for developing training reference plans (planes de referencia sectoriales).
    Policy area
    To which POLICY AREAS(s) does the initiative apply?
    How it is funded?
    Funded by national government

    Skill mismatch

    Skill mismatch target
    What type(s) of skills MISMATCH does the initiative aim to addresses?
    Skill shortages (employers cannot fill their vacancies due to a lack of skills in the labour market)
    Skill gaps (worker's skills are below the level of proficiency required by their employers and jobs)
    Skills obsolescence (some or all of an individual's skills are no longer relevant to the current employer or in the labour market generally)
    Skills matching focus
    How does  the initiative address skills mismatches?
    Sectoral Joint Committees' main aim is to better define the training provided to employed workers by FUNDAE, upskilling and reskilling adults in employment.
    Sectoral Joint Committees' main aim is to better define the training provided to employed workers by FUNDAE, also for unemployed workers.
    Sectoral Joint Committees identify skill gaps, thus adressing sectoral and occupational skill shortages through training provided by FUNDAE.


    What methods of undertaking skills assessments and / or skills anticipation does the policy instrument utilise?
    Skills forecasting
    Sectoral joint committees forecast future skill needs. The regulation does not specify a methodology, so each committee is responsible for selecting the approach and tools it wants to apply.
    Employer surveys
    Business associations participate in sectoral joint committees and might respond to surveys when asked by the committee. Nevertheless, each committee is responsible for defining the metodology to identify skill needs.
    Skills foresight
    Sectoral joint committees utilise skills foresight. Regulation does not specify a methodology for this. Each committee is responsible for defining this.
    Expert panels
    Committees are organised on a sectoral basis involving roundtables at national level to produce sectoral training reference plans.
    Use of skills intelligence
    How is labour market information / skills intelligence used within the initiative?
    Sectoral Joint Committees contribute to shape the catalogue of training specialities (Catálogo de Especialidades Formativas), managed by the Observatory of Occupations
    Sectoral Joint Committees contribute to shape the catalogue of training specialities (Catálogo de Especialidades Formativas), managed by the Observatory of Occupations, which defines training for the unemployed.
    Sectoral Joint Committees contribute to shape the validation of skills obtained through working experience (Reconocimiento por la experiencia laboral).
    Sectoral Joint Committees draft sectoral reference plans (planes de referencia sectoriales), which are used to define training offered to employed workers through FUNDAE


    Main responsible body
    Main body or organisation with overall responsibility for the initiative.
    National agency
    The Sectoral Joint Committees are funded by the State Foundation for Training for Employment (FUNDAE).
    Other involved organisations
    Which other organisations have a role in the initiative?
    National ministry
    Sectoral Joint Committees are embedded in FUNDAE, which is participated by social partners and public sector bodies, such as National PES, Ministry of Work and Social Economy and Ministry of Culture and Sports.
    Regional ministry
    Regional governments participate in FUNDAE.
    National agency
    Sectoral Joint Committees serve to define training provided to employed workres by FUNDAE. Committees also participate in INCUAL in the identification of skills needs that in turn define the VET provision.
    Social partner: employer organisation
    Employer organizations participate in Sectoral Joint Committees.
    Social partner: trade union
    Trade unions participate in Sectoral Joint Committees.
    National PES
    Skills identified by Sectoral Joint Committees are used to define the catalogue of training specialities (Catálogo de Especialidades Formativas), managed by the Observatory of Occupations. Outputs of the Observatory of Occupations are taken into account by Committees.
    Training Providers
    Training providers should adapt their offer to sectoral reference plans (planes de referencia sectoriales), defined by Sectoral Joint Committees.


    Success factors
    SUCCESS FACTORS in the implementation
    Sectoral Joint Committees are a traditional institution of social dialogue that makes use of relevant information sources to identify current and future skill gaps, such as trade unions and business associations.
    BARRIERS in the implementation
    Sectoral Joint Committees play a role in the identification of skill gaps, as well as the Observatory of Occupations, INCUAL and National Reference Centres (CRNs). These institutions collaborate with each other, as stated in regulation, but the system might be too complex to achive an effective and efficient collaboration. There is no common methodologies for different sectoral Commissions and mutual learning and synergies may be lost.
    Monitoring and evaluation
    MONITORING and EVALUATION: Is progress measured regularly? What are the indicators used to measure progress of the policy instrument? Have any evaluations been conducted?
    National PES monitors regularly the activity of Fundae. Fundae carries out evaluations of the training plans it implements.
    UPDATES: whether there have been any major updates of the initiative since it has been implemented?
    EVIDENCE ON EFFECTIVENESS: How effective is the policy instrument?
    National PES monitors regularly the activity of Fundae. Fundae carries out evaluations of the training plans it implements, but it does not evaluate the activity of the Commissions and the Commissions do not evaluate their effectiveness. This said, sectoral Commissions carry out many analysis and documentation and training needs and training, in collaboration with other actors, which is available in webpages. It would be useful that a common repository of this documentation could is made.
    SUSTAINABILITY: How sustainable is the policy instrument? Do you expect the instrument to continue over the next few years and why?
    Sectoral Joint Committees are part of the system for identification of skills gaps in Spain, playing a central role in the definition of training offer for employed workers through FUNDAE and playing a role in the definition of training for unemployed workers in collaboration with National PES, and of VET in collaboration with INCUAL. Sectoral Joint Committees play thus a structural role which can be regarded as permanent.
  • Description

    Focus area
    FUNDAE is a national public foundation embedded in the Ministry of Work and the Social Economy and that counts on social partners as advisory actors.
    FUNDAE is responsible for the management of life-long learning for employed workers. The training offered is defined through the process of identification of skill gaps performed by Sectoral Joint Committees (see instrument).
    Implementation level
    At what level is the initiative implemented?
    Starting period
    TIMESPAN: In what year did the initiative commence?
    FUNDAE exists formally since 2015. However, FUNDAE is the continuation of the former Tripartite Foundation for Training for Employment (Fundación Tripartita para la Formación en el Empleo), created in 2001. And of FORCEM, created in 1993.
    PERSPECTIVE: is the initiative based on evidence derived from skill forecasts or foresight activities?
    FUNDAE provides training mostly for employed workers based on the sectoral reference plans (planes de referencia sectoriales), defined by the network of 90 Sectoral Joint Committees (see instrument).
    Policy area
    To which POLICY AREAS(s) does the initiative apply?
    How it is funded?
    Funded by national government

    Skill mismatch

    Skill mismatch target
    What type(s) of skills MISMATCH does the initiative aim to addresses?
    Underqualification (individuals' qualifications/credentials are below their job's needs)
    Skill underutilisation (individuals' skills are not well used in their jobs)
    Skill shortages (employers cannot fill their vacancies due to a lack of skills in the labour market)
    Skill gaps (worker's skills are below the level of proficiency required by their employers and jobs)
    Skills obsolescence (some or all of an individual's skills are no longer relevant to the current employer or in the labour market generally)
    Skills matching focus
    How does  the initiative address skills mismatches?
    Fundae provides training for employed workers, helping them to upskill or reskill.
    Fundae also collaborates with National PES in the definition of training for unemployed workers, through the role of Sectoral Joint Committees in the definition of catalogue of training specialities (Catálogo de Especialidades Formativas), managed by the Observatory of Occupations of National PES.
    Fundae provides training for employed workers, facilitating job and career transitions.
    Fundae designs traninig provision focusing on the skill shortages identified by Sectoral Joint Committees through the advisory and expert role played by trade unions and business associations.
    Skills delivered
    What types of skill  does the initiative deliver?
    Basic literacy and numeracy skills
    Basic digital skills
    More advanced digital skills
    General employability skills (team working, communication, etc.)
    Green skills
    Career management skills


    What methods of undertaking skills assessments and / or skills anticipation does the policy instrument utilise?
    Fundae carries out studies and research on labour market trends, working in close cooperation with National PES (SEPE), but it does not undertake skills assessments or skills anticipation. Fundae designs traninig provision focusing on the skills needs identified by Sectoral Joint Committees
    Use of skills intelligence
    How is labour market information / skills intelligence used within the initiative?
    National PES takes into account the skills identified by Fundae in the design of training programmes to activate unemployed.
    Training providers train workers with the financial support of Fundae following skill gaps identified by Sectoral Joint Committees.


    Main responsible body
    Main body or organisation with overall responsibility for the initiative.
    National ministry
    The main organization resposible for Fundae is the Ministry of Work and Social Economy. However Fundae is a public foundation, participated also by regional governments, social partners and other public sector bodies, such as National PES, the Ministry of Culture and Sports.
    Other involved organisations
    Which other organisations have a role in the initiative?
    Regional ministry
    Regional governments participate in Fundae.
    Social partner: employer organisation
    Employer organizations are part of Fundae and play a key role in Sectoral Joint Committees.
    Social partner: trade union
    Trade unions are part of Fundae and play a key role in Sectoral Joint Committees.
    National PES
    SEPE works in close cooperation with Fundae to organize training provision and in the process of identificaiton of skill gaps. For more detail see Observatory of Occupations and Sectoral Joint Committees.
    Training Providers
    Training providers train workers with the financial support of Fundae.


    Success factors
    SUCCESS FACTORS in the implementation
    Fundae has funding guaranteed by social security contributions of employers. It also has support from relevant instruments for the identification of skill demands, such as Sectoral Joint Committees (see instrument). It is embedded in the trainng system for employment, counting with the participation of social partners. This enabled it to reach more than 4.6 million workers in 2019.
    BARRIERS in the implementation
    Some evaluations point to barriers in the effective access to training opportunities of SMEs and of some sectors such as agriculture. Moreover Fundae is not widely known among workers (just by 35% of them). (…)
    Monitoring and evaluation
    MONITORING and EVALUATION: Is progress measured regularly? What are the indicators used to measure progress of the policy instrument? Have any evaluations been conducted?
    The National PES regularly monitors the activity of Fundae. Fundae carries out evaluations of its training activities. Fundae participates in the Annual plan of quality assessment of the training system for employment toghether, with National PES and regional governments. Satisfaction surveys of trained workers are collected. Evaluation webpage in Fundae:
    UPDATES: whether there have been any major updates of the initiative since it has been implemented?
    EVIDENCE ON EFFECTIVENESS: How effective is the policy instrument?
    Fundae funded training for 4.619.901 workers in 2019 (in 339.846 companies, total number of participants 2.944.535), 4.413.853 in 2018 and 4.017.000 in 2017. The effectiveness of training for employed workers has been positively assessed by some evaluations. However, this effectiveness might be lower in SMEs and in the agriculture sector. Some evaluations also point to the lack of normative development of the Law 30/2015 and the RD 694/2017. The impact in transversal and sectoral skills of trained workers has been more positive than in digital skills or languages. One out of three trained workers improved their level of qualification (…)
    SUSTAINABILITY: How sustainable is the policy instrument? Do you expect the instrument to continue over the next few years and why?
    Fundae is a key institution in the system of training for employment in Spain. It plays also a key role in the system of identification of skill gaps. Thus it is expected to continue.