Average regulated remuneration: EUR 1,184.21
The figure represents the wage received by an apprentice between 21-26 years old enrolled in ISCED 5 level apprenticeship programme. Calculation: 80% x 1,480.27 (i.e. min wage in 2017)
Level in PPS per year (average): EUR 13,170
Level in PPS per hour (average): not available
Share of national minimum wage: 55-100% of the minimum wage depending on the level of qualification and the age of an apprentice (see below)
Remuneration for age groups, average annual gross income:
Under 21: 55% of the min wage = EUR 814.15 (ISCED 3), 65% of the min wage = EUR 962.17 (ISCED 5)
21-26: 70% of the min wage = EUR 1,036.19 (ISCED 3), 80% of the min wage = EUR 1,184.21 (ISCED 5)
Over 26: min wage: EUR 1,480.27
- the professionnalisation contract allows young people under 26, people over 45, and job seekers to obtain a certification. Incentives for people over 45 and job seekers should prevent these target groups from entering unemployment.
- for young people under 26, professionnalisation contract is less attractive than apprenticeship contracts since the financial resources available to professionalisation contracts are lower.
- for employers, professionnalisation contracts are also less attractive than apprenticeship contracts since tax incentives are lower or even nil. The number of adult professionnalisation contracts (people over 45) is quite low (12% of the new contracts in 2016, Ministry of Labour)
- for young people or for employers, professionnalisation contracts may be seen as competing with the apprenticeship contract; nonetheless they fall under different financing schemes.