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Some 25 study visits held between 2010 and 2012 focused on helping vulnerable adults tackle the labour market. They covered, among other things, how to access guidance services; how to make full use of knowledge, skills and competences, and how to get them recognised; how to participate in training, and how to find rewarding employment. This publication collects findings from these study visits, and features 29 successful initiatives from all over Europe.

Some 25 study visits held between 2010 and 2012 focused on helping vulnerable adults tackle the labour market. They covered, among other things, how to access guidance services; how to make full use of knowledge, skills and competences, and how to get them recognised; how to participate in training, and how to find rewarding employment. This publication collects findings from these study visits, and features 29 successful initiatives from all over Europe.

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Wie können wir gefährdete Erwachsene auf die Herausforderungen des Arbeitsmarkts vorbereiten?

DE 25.39 MB

Empowering vulnerable adults to tackle labour market challenges

EN 9.16 MB

Capacitar a adultos vulnerables para afrontar los desafíos del mercado de trabajo

ES 25.22 MB

Donner aux adultes vulnérables les moyens de relever les défis du marché du travail

FR 25.25 MB