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Integrated and well-tailored pathways for people to acquire or upgrade basic skills at different points in life are increasingly used to prevent skill gaps and skill shortages.

In 2017, 15.7% of low-qualified young Europeans aged 15 to 29 were not in education, employment or training (NEET), compared to 9.6% of their better educated peers. In the same year, the unemployment rate of low-qualified adults of working age (25 to 64) stood at 13.9% in the EU-28 while that of their highly qualified peers was at 4.2%.

Considering the vast changes in European labour markets, support to lifelong learning and working careers is vital to ensuring individuals keep up with rapidly evolving skills and qualifications demands.

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Cedefop (2019). Preventing low skills through lifelong learning. Cedefop briefing note, March 2019. http://data.europa.eu/doi/10.2801/285942


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