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This publication is the final report of the flash thematic country review of apprenticeships (TCR) in Sweden.

Cedefop initiated the review which took place between June 2017 and April 2018 and looked at apprenticeship at upper secondary level. This report presents the key findings and suggestions for action to develop apprenticeship training in the medium and long term. The underlying analysis largely relies on information collected from different categories of stakeholders at different levels, and in-depth discussions with a national panel of experts. The report presents suggestions for action organised in two areas for intervention: rethinking the overall scheme design, clarifying its identity and selling point by making it more responsive to the labour market; and at the implementation level, revising the responsibility allocation and ownership balance to engage employers more.
Since May 2014, Cedefop has carried out Thematic Country Reviews on Apprenticeships in five volunteer countries: Lithuania and Malta as part of a first wave (2014-2015); GreeceItaly and Slovenia as part of a second wave (2015-2017). Cedefop has carried out a third wave of reviews in two more countries, Cyprus and Croatia, and piloted a lighter version of the TCR (flash TCRs) in Belgium (French-speaking Community) and Sweden.

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Cite as
Cedefop (2019). Flash thematic country review on apprenticeships in Sweden. Luxembourg: Publications Office. https://data.europa.eu/doi/10.2801/660293


Flash thematic country review on apprenticeships: Sweden

EN 3.64 MB

Flash Tematisk landsgranskning av lärlingsutbildning Sverige

SV 4.94 MB