Qualifications frameworks based on learning outcomes are now a global phenomenon. Over 30 European countries are in the process of introducing comprehensive national frameworks. But the long-term success of these frameworks depends on creating close links with other education and labour market policies and practices; on citizens’ awareness of their uses; and on active involvement of social partners every step of the way.

Cedefop’s latest briefing note Qualifications frameworks in Europe: forging the right links discusses the various stages of national framework implementation, and outlines challenges policy-makers face in making qualifications frameworks operational. The Centre has been actively involved in the conceptual and practical development of the European qualifications framework and closely monitors development and implementation of national frameworks.

The shift to learning outcomes and its impact: taking stock of European policies and practices, an international conference organised by Cedefop in Thessaloniki on 21 and 22 November 2013, discussed how this shift, including in the new qualifications frameworks, affects a range of policies and practices in education and training.

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