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This Cedefop publication is part of a toolkit, including questionnaire and data set, for researchers to carry out employer surveys in international or national contexts. It illustrates an approach tested in 2012 for identifying employer’s skill needs, in nine Member States. The guide offers recommendations for a survey covering a range of occupations, sample size calculations, maximising response rates, and ensuring the validity of the instrument as well as subsequent inferences.

The European employer survey on skill needs makes an innovative contribution to linking the world of employers with that of education and training. In providing these materials for further use Cedefop aims to contribute to this process beyond the realm of the present study. The expression of skill needs by employers and cooperation with those who shape VET policy, as well as educators and trainers who develop and implement VET programmes, will play a valuable role in the future.

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User guide to developing an employer survey on skill needs

EN 2.15 MB

User guide to developing an employer survey on skill needs (ebook)

EN 4.69 MB