Cedefop’s new thematic activity ‘Governance of EU skills anticipation and matching systems: in-depth country reviews’ was launched in 2016 to support mutual learning on effective skills anticipation and skill matching, and the exchange of good practices across EU Member States.


The initiative aims to help EU Member States develop, improve or further refine the governance of their skills anticipation and matching systems.

Since 2016, Cedefop has worked closely together with national authorities and key national stakeholder networks of six EU+ countries (Bulgaria, Estonia, Greece, Malta, Slovakia and Iceland), providing support in setting up methodological instruments that collect labour market and skills intelligence, and in promoting effective dissemination and use of results in different policy areas (such as education and training, employment, active labour market policies).

This policy learning forum (PLF) was a key element of Cedefop’s country support programme. Targeted at participating countries’ national stakeholders, as well as other interested experts, it aimed to provide a platform for learning how to put appropriate key skills anticipation methods into practice. To meet participants’ identified learning needs, the event focussed on three methods and practices of skills intelligence and anticipation:

  1. technological skills foresights;
  2. sector-based skills anticipation;
  3. practical steps of setting up tracer studies.

Key experts in these methods provided a series of lectures on methodologies and challenges of their practical implementation for policy . The PLF also included group exercises, in which national stakeholders were asked to set up mock skills anticipation tools for their respective countries, with guidance from experts from international organisations (ILO, ETF, Cedefop).

The ETF-Cedefop-ILO guide series on anticipating and matching skills and jobs below is a key reference for the PLF/course on skills anticipation methods and practices:

For more information, please refer to the attached draft agenda and concept note.

Event details

Event Date(s)
14/06/2018 - 15/06/2018
Event Type
Event venue
Cedefop premises
Invitation only
Cedefop involvement


Agenda - PLF skills anticipation methods and practices


Concept note - PLF skills anticipation methods and practices



Konstantinos Pouliakas
Jasper Van Loo
Roula Panagiotou